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addict 沉溺 上瘾 (第2/2页)

living thing

banal 非原创的,陈腐的 trite

balloon 迅速增加 increase

balm 香油止痛膏安慰物

sweet- smelling oil

soothe 香气

boor 粗鲁的人不敏感的人 rude

bootless 无用的 useless

bound 界限

boycott 联合抵制拒绝参与

concerted refusal

bracing 令人振奋的给人带来活力的

brake 刹车 less rapid

brash 愚勇的,鲁莽的

foolishly adventurous 缺乏判断力的不明智的

poor judgment


rudy boldness 华而不实地炫耀


the shortage has even reached posh parts

of delhi,the capital,whose pampered residents

are usually insulated from many of the disforts

suffered by their patriots.


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