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giant 巨人 (第1/2页)

微看书 vks.cc,最快更新小橘子的英语笔记!

第42章 gi·ant 巨人

china’s tencent holdings said that it will release its flagship mobile game honor of Kings globally by the end of the year, as the domestic internet giant pivots to the international gaming market.


Apple introduced a pletely redesigned macbook Air and an updated 13-inch macbook pro, both powered by the new m2 chip.

苹果公司推出全新设计的 macbook Air 与新版 13 英寸 macbook pro ,两款电脑均搭载新款 m2 芯片。



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Not something at least vaguely familiar, such as sickle-cell anaemia or cystic fibrosis, but rather a condition buried deep within the medical dictionary.


这个句子仔细看,会发现它并没有谓语。buried deep within the medical dictionary这里buried是过去分词做后置定语修饰condition。其他是省略了两个it is,补全后是这样的:


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