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微看书 > 克苏鲁地方志 > 第11章 被遗忘者的低语

第11章 被遗忘者的低语 (第1/2页)

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注:当地编年史的风格旨在对事件进行严肃而无感情的描述,详细介绍布莱克伍德博士和霍桑教授之间的会面以及他们随后的指导。重点是知识交流和教授提供的指导,强调真实感,并与克苏鲁故事的深不可测的性质形成对比。第3章 邪教徒的野心

在蒙面统治的编年史中,有一章展开,讲述了一个有魅力的邪教领袖的出现,以及威胁要给王国带来混乱的不祥野心。正是在这段时间里,具有阴险魅力的人物阿奇博尔德·达文波特(Archibald davenport)崭露头角,他的邪恶设计对未知的精灵内部的微妙平衡构成了严重威胁。


阿奇博尔德·达文波特(Archibald davenport)是一个威风凛凛、口才强悍的人,他抓住这个机会召集了一批忠实的追随者。他的魅力无止境,将各行各业的人吸引到他的邪教的褶皱中,每个人都被禁


邪教的阴谋始于阴影中,隐藏在毫无戒心的群众的窥探中。他们的聚会披着秘密的外衣,在蒙面自治领的僻静角落举行,远离那些可能反对他们的人的窥探。正是在这些秘密聚会中,阿奇博尔德·达文波特(Archibald davenport)公布了他的宏伟愿景,即拆除维度之间的障碍并向世界释放宇宙实体的计划。









A container truck passes slowly by.

he quickly hid in the bushes, waited for the container truck to pass, and slowly followed it.

the container slowed to a halt on the riverbank outside the village. mr. Andrews lay on the grass and looked at the passengers inside the car.

there are 8 passengers in total. A man wearing a hat jumped out of the container first, followed by his wife and daughter. A group of them were walking to the pier to board a ship, but they noticed a warship floating in the ocean in the distance and a number of cargo ships surrounding the warship, so they stopped to talk.

the group of passengers looked at each other in silence, seemingly frozen. Until a group of large sailor-like men jumped off a pile of cargo and started walking toward them.

\hello,\ the manager said in strong English, \wele to port Alwat. we have been ordered to accept your luggage here, so please help us with the inspection.\

the passengers did not protest. they obediently line up and check out the strong men one by one.

\where are you from?\ - asked the strong man rudely.


\paris...I know.\

``don't worry, we won't do anything bad!'' passengers shouted, ``we're normal people, don't embarrass us...''

\Shut up,\ the man taunted the girl mercilessly, reaching out and tugging on her sleeve. \what is this?\ he pointed to the girl's hand.

the girl had a black chain wrapped around her hand. her necklace was studded with delicate shells and gemstones that sparkled in the setting sun. the fat man picked up the chain and looked at it carefully. he frowned, thought for a while, and then suddenly punched the girl in the stomach, throwing her chain to the ground and breaking it with her boot.

\oh!\ the girl moaned, clutching her stomach as she fell to her knees.

the second girl was so scared that she did not have the courage to get up and move.

\It's a fake.\ the strong man tapped the necklace with his foot and said, \It's a lie, you're a bad person.\

As the girl cried, she explained, \No, it's not fake. It's coral. It's her mother's heritage.\

\I know.\ Strong man: \It's not worth it. You have to get everyone here. I'm telling you, if you don't hand over all your property right now, I'll kill you all.\

the girl was so scared that she fell to the ground.

\You really went too far! You really bullied a little girl!\ the big man yelled angrily. he tried to raise his fist to hit the girl again, but his partner stopped him. the young woman stopped her husband and said, \please don't do that again.\ we're unarmed, we're dealing with the police, what if we go crazy, let's go. ”

hearing her words, the girl immediately stood up and walked towards the village, holding her mother's hand.

Andrews watched them retreat, sighing, and continued to survey the deserted town.

As night fell and the village lights came on, Andrews saw many familiar sights. he came here when his parents lived happily in the village for a short time.

however, these scenes remained as memories.

the night breeze was blowing, bringing with it the sharp smell of wine and barbecue.

there are countless ships in the bay, each filled with pirates wearing military uniforms and brandishing spears. Andrews was aware of a pirate ship belonging to the North Sea flagship wellington.

he knew that the North Sea flagship was heading south to attack the Netherfield Islands, but the Netherfield Islands were far away. he thought these pirates had just landed.

mr Andrews saw many passengers carrying food and drinks. they seemed very excited. they carried food to their respective cabins and then ran to a restaurant to eat and drink wine to celebrate their survival after the disaster. this situation filled Andrews with fear instead of pity or envy.

they are all captured by pirates and who knows what will be done to them.

Andrews quickly decided he could not risk staying here. he took advantage of the darkness to walk around the pier and run deeper into the village. on his way, he encountered pirates on patrol, but did not panic. Andrews wanders through this lonely little village and eventually ends up in an abandoned warehouse to escape from two pirates.

\we need food and clean water,\ mr. Andrews said quietly to the fat man.

the strong man looked at her for a moment, then smiled and said, \don't worry, we don't eat human flesh. but first, tell me. where do you e from?\ ? ”

“So where do you think this canal is?”

\here.\ Andrews spread his arms and moved to the side.

\I don't think so,\ James shook his head. \the sea situation here is very bad and I have fled from a city in the south. I know how chaotic and dangerous this country is, but I don't have the courage to take such risks. I think we need to choose a different direction,” i.e. collect ore in the northwest. there are several large mines available for sale.

mr. Andrews smiled, patted mr. James on the shoulder, and said, \I think you're right, but we have to go somewhere.\

\where?\ James asked impatiently.

Andrews did not immediately respond. After a moment of breathlessness and calmness, he spoke.

\I own this ship.\

when Andrew woke up the next day, the sun was up and James was sitting in the back with a flashlight in front of the island.

\hey, I had a dream last night,\ he said, waving the flashlight. \I dreamed again in this mysterious ancient tomb. A large turtle crawled into the old temple and raised its head. It looked up to the sky, opened its mouth and spat out eggs. After eating the eggs.\ \...\

\we're very lucky,\ Andrews said with a smile.

\oh, our ships always go astray at critical moments, isn't it strange that this happened by accident? don't you suspect a conspiracy?\

Andrews shrugged, \we don't know who's in charge of all of this. It could be our enemies, it could be crazy...but it won't harm us. \For now, I think so.\

James looked at him in surprise and laughed.

\You say we're so lucky!\

Andrews smiled, but his face suddenly hardened. he saw a truck hit him in the distance. All of a sudden, a racing car sped up and jerked the steering wheel. At that moment, he noticed that James's face was pale and his legs were shaking.

\James…James!\ Andrews shouted urgently. \don't panic, James, get behind the wheel and accelerate our car!\

\oh my God!\ James shouted in terror. “It’s cool… leave me alone!”

Andrews gritted his teeth and suddenly ran towards the truck.

both started running at high speed. As the truck passed, James suddenly let go of the steering wheel and threw himself into the passenger partment, pushing Andrews out. the truck went over Andrew's clothes and hit the curb.

\Shield!\ the car rolled several meters before ending up in the icy sea. A strong wave immediately engulfed Andrew.

James was amazed. he cursed as he held his arms up to steady himself. but the only water around him is the beach. he could only see the boat drift away slowly and disappear into the sea. I could only shiver in the cold water above the surface of the ocean.

before she died, all that was left in her mind was, \I don't want to live in a fish's belly!\

once safely in bed, James was shivering on his knees in the wet sand. I tried hard to remember the horrible images I had seen in my dreams. In his dream, he was held captive by a huge and ferocious turtle. his body was full of pain and struggle, and the whole world was red with blood.

he suddenly let out a mad roar and slammed into the ship's wall.

shield shield shield Shield.

when Andrew heard that voice, he looked up, sat up, and looked at James.

\what's wrong with you, James?\ Andrews asked worriedly.

James continued to hold that position, his forehead was pressed against the side of the ship and his face against the hull, his lips were shaking, his eyes were filled with tears, but he was unable to speak.

Andrews could hear James shaking and he seemed to be passed out. he quickly took the water bottle, opened it, approached James, fed him drinking water, and injected the veins in James' chest and neck.

\Are you okay?\ he asked quietly.

\I'm going to die. Save me, save me,\ James tried to get these words out. his face was like paper, and his eyes were swollen and covered with red eyes.

Andrews stood up and walked to the deck, searching everywhere. he searched every corner of the deck, except the boat; Rope ladder No wood planks. therefore, he abandons the idea and looks at the immediate situation.

this is a small fishing village. the beach is covered with houses and many high rise buildings. Andrews wondered if he was lucky enough to find a boat. he decided to go home to find out, and he was able to run safely.

After Andrews walked a few hundred meters along the beach, he heard a noise in the distance.

there were two people in the room, a young man lying in a rocking chair and playing with a cat. he was wearing casual clothes and appeared fortable with his eyes closed, as if concentrating. there was also a man in his 30s who appeared to be a clerk wearing red clothes. Just now, while loading the shelves, the other party saw Li Jiahong entering the store and greeted him with a smile.

\hello, do you need anything?\ the man asked with a smile.

Li Jiahong noticed that the red man in front of him was somewhat unfamiliar and inexperienced with the etiquette and behavior of a clerk. It seemed like he was new to the industry. however, despite this, Li Jiahong still had inexplicable feelings for the clerk, and wore a straight smile in front of him. his eyes were a little scary and I always felt there was something out of the ordinary.

Li Jiahong lowered his eyes slightly and said, \I came to see teacher Linlin. I...I'm looking for my son.\

\master?\ the man blinked, seemed to realize something, and suddenly said: \oh, you're looking for our boss.\

“wei Jiang, please have the customer e directly to you.” At that moment, a voice came from the coffee table in the corner of the room. when Li Jiahong and the store clerk in red clothes looked, they found the man who had originally been lying on a rocking chair playing with a cat. the young man slowly approached the coffee table to make a quick cup of tea.

``Yes, director!'' hearing the young man's friendly and gentle voice, the red-clad clerk replied solemnly, as if he had heard an edict.

At this time, Li Jiahong noticed that the clerk in red clothes unconsciously crossed his legs and gave a military salute, and he guessed that the clerk in red clothes was a military man before.

And due to the strange behavior of the red-clothed clerk, Li Jiahong realized that the young man sitting in front of the coffee table and making tea at that time was the \master\ he was looking for. I did.

Li Jiahong was momentarily surprised because his master's appearance was so different from what he had imagined, but then he regretted it.

Is it really a scam? And he was fooled by a little liar.

thinking of this, Li Jiahong was a little irritated and almost turned around and left, but the other party can quickly explain his situation on the Internet, and since he is here, he has this suspicion. I also felt that it must be. First, let's be clear.

\please.\ wei Jiang smiled and held out his hand to lead Li Jiahong forward. Li Jiahong nodded with a stiff smile, followed wei Jiang's footsteps, passed through the ledge, bowed his head and walked towards Ling Ling.

when Li Jiahong was following wei Jiang for a short walk, he suddenly noticed that the big man in front of him was walking in a strange way. the abnormality was in the upper body, not the lower body. my upper body felt unstable, as if I was constantly walking. It could fall at any time.

``does this person have kidney problems?'' Li Jiahong thought secretly, and then focused his eyes on the man's thick waist. It was at this time that I suddenly noticed that the other person had wooden shoes on his waist. It's made of chains!

Li Jiahong couldn't help but tremble, and almost fell to the ground. he suddenly had a terrible suspicion.

was this a bandit's hole for smuggling organs? he was also tricked into entering by one of them, and the chain around wei Jiang's waist was here to handcuff him. It was there.

he approached the young man with a warm smile and sat down, staring into his steaming cup of tea. I didn't dare to lift or move the cup because I always felt that it contained ingredients that would make me sleepy.

Ling Ling smiled and said, \Sir, you must be the person who was municating with me on the Internet the other day and is looking for the missing child.\

Ling Ling's words slowly calmed Li Jiahong's confused thoughts. As soon as the child was mentioned, Li Jiahong's thoughts went back to square one.

Li Jiahong: \...Yeah, I didn't expect you to be so young.\

Linlin said with a smile, ``I'm not young anymore. I just look younger.''

Li Jiahong apologized and said, ``I said you asked me to e, but I don't know how you can help me.''

\First, please tell me your story,\ Linlin said leisurely. he also poured himself a cup of tea, breathed gently into the hot tea, and drank it slowly.

Li Jiahong pursed his dry lips and secretly paid attention to the movement of Ling Ling’s throat as she swallowed. After confirming that Lingling had swallowed the tea, her tense shoulders slowly relaxed, and she reluctantly picked up the teacup in front of her and tasted it. A small drop of tea.

this is biluochun, the tea is very fragrant, and the soup has just the right moist texture.

\delicious tea, delicious taste.\ Li Jiahong couldn't help but praise. when he saw Ling Ling's slightly playful smile, he couldn't help but blush. Knowing that my little thoughts just now couldn't escape Lingling's eyes, from now on, I have a slightly different perspective on Lingling. .

At least the young man in front of me is not as simple as he seems.

Li Jiahong groaned, thought for a while, and then slowly told Lingling what he had experienced.

what he said was a little long, but not messy. ms. Ling Ling was not in a hurry at all and listened carefully to what happened to Li Jiahong.

“…that’s what it was.” After Li Jiahong finished speaking, his mouth was a little dry. he noticed that Ling Ling had given him another cup of tea, so he quickly took another drink and drank it all in one go.

Linlin nodded with intrigued eyes. he sat on the chair and thought for a while, then got up and walked straight to the shelf facing Li Jiahong's back. he pulled out a piece of white tape from the second shelf from the bottom. black feather edges.

\take this.\ Linlin didn't prepare a container to store the pen and handed it directly to the other person.

Li Jiahong was confused and picked up the pen, asking, \what is this?\

\It's like a bird's feather, you give it to your wife,\ Linlin explains how to use the pen.

\Is it for my wife?\ Li Jiahong was confused, \Is this directly related to finding my child?\

he was prepared to listen to the nonsense of his young \false master,\ and had considered what the other might do, but he did not expect that the other would do nothing. Instead, he goes further and “sells the product” to the nitty gritty.

\Yes,\ Ling Ling said with a laugh, \have you ever thought about the possibility of him ing back to your wife?\

pS: I just downloaded this chapter and my network went down. I pasted it twice in the middle of pasting, but I undone it.

29 races were named after ancient peoples

Ling Ling’s words directly caused Li Jiahong’s heartbeat. After hitting rock bottom for a long time, his heart was half cold. he blinked, and I could see the traces of wrinkles in his dull eyes. the man's voice became hoarse as he said: \he said...he could still do it.\ Go back? \

\that's possible,\ Linlin replied more formally.

``he will definitely e back.'' when Li Jiahong's emotions rose and fell, wei Jiang's voice suddenly appeared from behind Li Jiahong.

Li Jiahong was startled, suddenly turned around and noticed that at some point a big red man had moved behind him.

Ever since he noticed something strange about this store, he had been very wary. Even during his serious exchanges with Linlin, he never let the audience relax. As long as he heard the sound of strange feet approaching, he would react immediately. but now his plan seems to have failed?

bad! this guy has no legs at all!

Li Jiahong began to break out in a cold sweat. he did not understand why wei Jiang's feet were silent, but it was this misunderstanding that caused panic that made people think deeply. his mind began to remember his previous interaction with wei Jiang. It was at this time that he gradually realized that when wei Jiang took the lead earlier, his feet didn't seem to touch the ground.

he didn't know if it was because his brain was feeding back false memories due to panic, or if it really was. Now he thought of running away immediately.

however, considering what wei Jiang just said and the other party's serious expression at that moment, he had to remain embarrassed and at least listen to the other party's answer.

``didn't I tell you about a normal creature called a pufferfish before?'' mr. wei Jiang said calmly, with a plicated recollection, ``pufferfish are shy and crazy animals.In fact, it is they who bee small. It's not my preference, but there's a reason to do it. It is said that the pufferfish had an infinite life during their development.'' God opens windows for you and closes doors for you. this race then loses its ability to reproduce itself and its ability to heal itself.

this situation has given rise to creatures like pufferfish, which have physical abilities that far exceed those of humans, yet still value life. In order to fight for the resources of the universe and allow their race to function normally, they use rituals believed to be called mystical sacrifices to instigate other races in the universe whose civilizations are still weak. I've been growing my nails. . contacting them is the Signal matrix, and the copperpot ceremony makes an \equivalent exchange\ with other races in the universe who are not actually equal.

they give the person who performs the ritual what they want and take away what they want - the child. For them, the best age for adoption among humans seems to be three-year-olds… …they will train alien children to be spokespeople, war machines, and working machines. ”

hearing wei Jiangkou's terrible explanation, Li Jiahong didn't know for a moment whether he was crazy or whether the man who spoke so eloquently in front of him was crazy, but the other party's oath made up for it. It didn't seem like it. , it made me think. If this is true, his child's environment is worse than he imagined, and I fear it will get even worse.

“how do you know this?” Li Jiahong felt that his brain was confused and his breathing was not smooth.

wei Jiang said quietly, ``I once municated with someone who fled from Fuya.''

“where is he!?” Li Jiahong held the pen tightly and stood up excitedly to ask.

wei Jiang said with a disappointed look on his face, ``Unfortunately, the last time I had contact with him was shortly after his death, so now he should be buried in peace.''

wei Jiang kept his gaze serious as he spoke and said: Everyone, including the person I mentioned earlier, enjoyed freedom for only a short period of time, and ultimately could not escape death.

If they realize that someone else witnessed their presence during the ceremony your wife attended and is still alive, they will definitely e again. ”

Ling Ling listened to wei Jiang's extra knowledge with interest, and when she saw Li Jiahong's confusion, she laughed, \You're right, mr. Li.\

Li Jiahong looked at the pen in his hand, then looked at Lingling and weijiang. he held a pen and asked Ling Ling, \what is the role of this pen? Is it a talisman?\

“he is truly a talisman,” Linlin said with a nod and a smile. \but remember, feathers have life. If you find a second feather, you must return it. Remember, the third pen found All the feathers were there before he was killed.''

“hasn’t the date been decided yet?”

\Yes, the usage period varies from person to person.\ Linlin said with a pained expression.

Seeing Ling Ling’s sad expression, Li Jiahong’s eyelids twitched slightly and asked again. \what happens if the feathers don't return in time?\

“my wife and child are separated,” Ling Ling said word for word.

Ling Ling’s final warning echoed in Li Jiahong’s ears. After paying the deposit for borrowing a pen, he got ready to leave with a depressed look on his face.

\mr. Li.\ before Li Jiahong left, wei Jiang stopped him again and handed him a business card with a red devil's face. wei Jiang said, \I left an address and a series of numbers. this person is dead, but this is where he used to live. maybe we can find some clues.\ ..If you still want to know about pufferfish, you can ask.'' ``I am the owner of this number. If you ask me who you are, please tell me the name of the store and I will understand.''

Li Jiahong took the business card and felt an unusual coldness when he touched wei Jiang's fingertips. he trembled all over. Seeing some worry in wei Jiang's eyes, his mind suddenly became clear and said, \thank you, mr. wei.\ ”

thinking about all the doubts and doubts he had about wei Jiang, he felt a little guilty and guilty.

wei Jiang smiled and shook his head, watched the guest cut, shook his head slightly, clenched his fist and said, \please e again next time.\

After wei Jiang looked at the guests, he turned away and solemnly apologized to Ling Ling. ``I'm sorry, boss, I did something unnecessary.''

\oh, why are you apologizing?\ Linlin, who had just taken out a pack of pork from the refrigerator, was surprised when she heard this, and said suspiciously, \You did a great job. Now that you're clean, you're free.\ Asked.

“Um, I mean, I interrupted a few words while you were chatting with the guests.” wei Jiang innocently scratched his head.

Ling Ling suddenly realized this, pressed the wrinkles on her forehead, and said with a smile, ``In this case, you don't have to worry. It's part of my job to wele guests, and that's exactly what I want to say.'' we want to know, and part of that is answering questions. ” this is our store business range. ”

wei Jiang still felt that something was wrong, and said seriously: \It may be fine with you, but I still feel that something is wrong. I will do my best to protect myself in the future... After all, I am not.\ he's now a mysterious detective or something. Sometimes things can't be done the way they used to. '' he said with deep emotion as he touched his empty stomach.

Ling Ling looked at wei Jiang's expression with admiration, as if recognizing the other's emotional expression at this moment.

then wei Jiang looked a little confused and said, ``So, boss, a few days after I started working, I casually handed over my business card.It's an obligation written in the contract.Is this okay? Is it a little different?” wrong? \

“this is all your personal choice, and I have no intention of stopping it.” Ling Ling smiled and winked at wei Jiang mysteriously. people deserve your business card. ”

In response, wei Jiang's eyes lit up slightly, and a red light flickered inside the child. these eyes allowed him to clearly see the merits and sins of life.

thirty wives

Li Jiahong returned to the bustling city street with his business card in hand. It is only when he accidentally bumps into the restaurant's sign that he realizes that he has safely left the restaurant and entered the strange forest. As he apologized to the restaurant owner, he realized that walking under the scorching sun was not just a seasonal thing.

It still felt a little surreal, but the business card in his hand was a constant reminder that what he had been through was real.

``where is my child now?'' Li Jiahong greeted and boarded the bus back to her hometown. he looked out the window at the deep blue sky, but the world still felt dark and gloomy.

the story he heard at the store was too strange and unusual. Knowing that his wife, who was still recovering in the hospital, might be in danger, he traveled to four cities in one night and finally returned to her just before midnight. around it.

Li Jiahong didn't even have time to put his things at home, so he came to the hospital to visit his wife.
