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微看书 > 克苏鲁地方志 > 第16章 堕落的盟友

第16章 堕落的盟友 (第1/2页)

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I won't listen this time. I'll listen to the next concert. After we beat that guy, professor hai, we allows you to continue listening to professor high's work without interruption.

``oh, can I listen to the next program?'' Li Youning's big eyes were shining, and she was so happy that she couldn't open her mouth.

Li Jiahong smiled, nodded, and said in a mysterious tone: \I'll let you in on a secret. Actually, dad, I know teacher hai very well in real life. we're still friends...\

hearing this, Li Youning immediately looked at her father with admiring eyes, held Li Jiahong's rough hand, and said, \dad is so scary!\

“hahaha, it’s not my daughter’s fault either.” Li Jiahong picked up her daughter from the ground and walked away from the chair.

he walked through the wide-eyed, frozen crowd until he reached the puter responsible for opening the live broadcast room. After closing the live broadcast software, he left the stadium with his daughter.

do not involve your daughter in the remaining issues. I believe professor high can handle it.

professor high was able to banish this guy once before, so now he can banish this guy again.

when the live broadcast hall was interrupted, everyone affected by the magical sound of the broadcast hall fainted almost simultaneously and fell to the ground from exhaustion. they were dreaming, and the magical sound melody they heard was still playing in their dreams, imitating it unconsciously. A tone followed by a soft hum...

xin Junmao was immersed in the conflict between the two musics and could not escape from it. I listened to the \magic sound\ played by heimofen with my left ear, and listened to the unknown music of a \musician\ from another dimension with my right ear.

two different melodies kept colliding deep in his heart, and xin Junmao felt like his brain was constantly expanding. At one moment he felt like he was the sound of nature, and at other moments he felt like the groaning of an evil ghost. those two sounds were pressing against his rational diaphragm like crazy. I want to enter his soul.

however, despite the fierce attack of these two powerful musical magic powers, I was surprised that xin Junmao did not die. the wall of reason was always high and impregnable. the two musical forces were unable to penetrate his supposedly fragile defense line.

Although xin Junmao's ears heard a \noise,\ his eyes were filled with the beauty of the cheongsam in front of him.

At that moment, I once again felt the beauty of the chinese dress. her beauty was enough to rock the world and make people forget everything and ignore everything.

therefore, xin Junmao forgot about the danger of the environment, pletely ignored the twisted and strange environment, and only looked at the woman.

I thought I would be able to listen to an elegant and fortable concert, but it looks like I won't have a chance. the hands of the beautiful woman in the white cheongsam are sometimes too thin and longer than her face, and sometimes as thin and slender as a ghost's hand. , Such a strange hand fascinated xin Junmao, allowing the other party's sharp fingertips to gently stroke his face, leaving a trace of blood.

the chinese-dress beauty's fingers gently opened the other person's forehead, moved from the forehead to the cheeks, and finally landed on the nape of the neck. with a gentle gesture, he opened a deep wound on xin Junmao's neck. It was red, but the injury was not fatal. he looked at xin Junmao, who was staring at him blankly, and said with a smile: “would you like to e visit my house?”

“Agreed,” xin Junmao agreed without hesitation, then stood up and followed the elegant figure. I was drawn to the swaying face on the other side, and even when I saw the skin on that beautiful face, my heart ached and I couldn't bear it.Suddenly, a piece of uncontrollable flesh inside was revealed, but he still looked at it with no expression on his face. admired and even moved by them. .

the beauty of her chinese dress led xin Junmao from the second floor of the gymnasium to a manhole cover somewhere in the civic sports center. I took her to her strange underground kingdom in tama city.

the duel between human musical genius and \alien musicians\ continues to this day. In the first round of the confrontation between magic sounds and strange music, when xin Junmao's first work \magic Sounds\ was finished, he still could not defeat \Foreign music\. After \wei musician\, wei Le's melodies finally became dominant and pletely won the first game.

hymorphen's face turned red, his veins showing, his eyes bloodshot, and blood leaked from between his clenched teeth. this defeat did not cause him any fear. After laughing silently for a while, he suddenly hit the piano and threw the bow to the ground, tearing off the white gloves on his hands to reveal his hands covered in blood and flesh. he took the piano one after another, put his hands in his pockets, and continued playing for a while, until his hands were covered in bruises. wear iron claw gloves with sharp edges.

himorphin used his claws as hands and his knife as a bow and began the long movement he intended to perform next.

\this song is called 'curse.' Listen carefully, my music is better than yours.\ heimorphen smiled wildly, but the arc of his smile was too exaggerated. his face hardened as he was being treated.

the blade scratched the strings of the violin, but magically, no matter how rough and excited the method of cutting the strings, the strings still did not break.

the reason is that the strings of this violin are made of a very special material. haimofen bought these at a high price from Linlin's hut in the forest. these strings are not mon nylon or steel wire, or even classic. pi's favorite string of intestines has been replaced with a strand of human hair.

when purchasing human hair, hymorphen asked Ling Ling about the origin of the hair.

Linlin explained with a smile. \According to legend, once upon a time there was a beautiful and sentimental woman. She had a childhood sweetheart, and they got married. She and her lover had been in love since childhood, and they were \faithful.\ , the woman's country and the neighboring country were at war, and the war continued. the woman's friend was a patriot. he decided to go to the battlefield. he promised the woman that after the war was over, ” he would e back and marry her right away.

Surprisingly, once Lang left, he never returned. It is said that he was killed by a blunt knife on the battlefield. due to the fierce battle on the front lines, the man's body was not returned home, and his body was left in the desert.

the woman was heartbroken and decided to shave her head and bee a nun. he worshiped before the buddha, walked 3,000 times a day, struck 3,000 wooden fish, and rang 3,000 bells.

but day after day, year after year, no matter how many spring and autumn seasons came, the bhikkhuni still could not understand the supreme dharma, and realized that he could not understand any of the principles of buddhism from the buddhist scriptures. he got lost and went to a runner. Abba respects asking for advice.

the chief priest said nothing, but simply led the bhikkhuni to the bamboo grove in the courtyard. In the bamboo forest, he saw a black tree rise from the ground, curl up like a twister, and stand upright. when the bhikkhuni approached, he saw that it was a foreign object made of black hair. , I couldn't help but be very surprised.

Abba asked, “do you know yet?” '

the bhikkuni shook his head in confusion.

the abbot sighed quietly and slowly spoke the truth. It turns out that the black hair tree was actually a thread of anxiety left here after he shaved his head. Unexpectedly, it took root and grew rapidly, gradually being a tree. A dark tree in the garden, hidden in the middle of a bamboo forest.

Abbe said. ``If you knock once a day, it will grow by one minute. If you knock on the mokugyo every day, it will grow by one centimeter. And if you ring the bell every day, it will grow by one centimeter. Every night.'' It withers and turns into a bud. ”, over and over again. '

the bhikkhuni remained silent, as if she had had an epiphany, with tears in her eyes and mixed emotions in her heart.

It seems like he was never able to let go of his attachment, and he still carries the past in his heart and misses her.

the essence of this problem reflects his mental state.

hitting the bow, banging the wooden fish, and ringing the bell seemed to be expressions of sincerity to the buddha, but in reality, each time he did it, he was filled with inner suffering and suffering. I ended up suffering from pain. Although he could not pletely let go of his past, he deliberately ignored it and did these things. As such, he is unable to truly let go of his past, and in fact his anxiety is constantly growing.

the black hair tree turns into hair every night because every night I dream of my girlfriend dying, I meet my girlfriend in my dreams, and I relieve my depression by being with my girlfriend in my dreams. be. when your wishes e true, the knots in your heart will be loosened and your worries will disappear.

the bhikkhuni realized all this and decided to leave the temple for a while to resolve the cause and effect relationship...\

Speaking of which, Ling Ling felt thirsty, so she stopped, picked up a cup of tea, and drank it slowly.

during this period, hymorphin speculated about the direction of the story, asking, \have women failed?\

\Failure? Success?\ Linlin said with a smile after quenching her thirst. \It depends on your definition.\

Linlin continued: “the woman finally breathed her last on the path of penance. She happened to e across a group of bandits who were robbing a passing caravan. She advanced to dissuade them, but she was killed with a knife. Finally he returned to the underworld.And he saw the desired man underground. his lover, who had long refused to be reincarnated and was waiting for his arrival. but after his death, the hair he left in the buddhist temple was It grew 3,000 threads and 3,000 hairs, and since then it has stopped growing. ”

Senior morfindor lamented that he didn't really know the definition of success and failure.

but after all, he understood the function of human hair laces. A human hair was part of one of 3,000 strands of matter. but nevertheless, they used it endlessly. As long as there is anxiety in the world, people's threads will never stop!

Fifty-seven death hymofen (please order in advance)

Strange music from another world continues to sound from the distorted sky, and cunning sounds are interspersed with the chords of the violin played by a violinist with crazy movements and a charming face.

high morphin flexed his five fingers, the blade arching as he raked and plucked at the human's hair. he formed a group and played a hellish symphony called \the curse\ in panic and madness with movements beyond human limits. , his eyes were excited, his fears subdued, and his contradictory emotions filled his most musical heart.

he used his limited musical talent pared to the alien gods to create chaotic, extreme, cursed and magical sounds. he used his weak and thin human body to play this music among the dead. he tried his best to build music to protect the whole world. concert hall audiences sought to harness their spiritual defenses and use the more transcendental harmonies as spears of defiant attack against the alien gods that had claimed the lives and souls of countless human musical geniuses. did.

this is a hymn to human courage, a clarion call to men to attack the devil's realm.

when haymorphin's second song was played, the notes from another dimension, which had been spreading all around like unrestrained mercury, were suddenly swallowed up by a majestic symphony and spread out, and the scenery swirling in the sky changed pletely. did. time stopped and he looked as if he was surprised.

In a distorted, colorful vortex, an extradimensional musician discovers that the tiny human's hysterical hellish movements can actually break into his beautiful music. After being shocked for a long time, he felt a wave of excitement deep in his heart. Anger and shame.

the angry musician from another dimension also took away the instruments that were not of this world. Instead of playing his usual calming manipulative music, he used bass music that he used to fort the sleeping Lord of All. trampling and crushing the human worms who dare to challenge God, he will use the most monotonous bass tones, yet the most distorted and sinister sounds to crush the ridiculous will of these people.

with a low sound, high morphen's beautiful face immediately lost its color, and bright red blood gradually came out from the pressure points on his face.

I felt like I heard a foreign musician yelling at the demon-like high morphen. At his opponent's sudden attack, he felt hatred for himself, contempt for humans, and a fire and contempt hidden deep within his anger. Feeling a little afraid of the cold, he suddenly laughed silently, and his movements became more and more frantic as he acted out the proposal. his clay fingers are beyond the limits of human vision. he felt a chaotic image of fingers and knives flashing over the violin. with sharp edges of light, the cursed symphony bees more and more exciting...

when discovering that an abnormal situation occurred at the first concert of high morphen's return, the secret team authorities responded as quickly as possible, immediately recorded the abnormal situation at the level of the day, and traced the two main forces to the source. I got close to it. , members of tiger Group and Snake Group headed to investigate and deal with it.

however, despite the timely response, by the time the members of the tiger Group closest to the Eucalyptus site arrived on the scene along with members of the city branch, it was too late.

the over 2,000 audience members on stage sat dazed and motionless, unresponsive to all the changes around them. Even though the mysterious detective member was gesticulating and touching his body in front of her, she was still full of emotion. his muscles tensed and became unresponsive, as if he were petrified.

``their brains were also damaged by some force, causing irreversible deformation.'' A mysterious b-class detective with special optical equipment analyzed the brains of several viewers and discovered that discovered that their brains have pletely changed. with a mutated, swollen, twisted, and pale face, he told mander he Jiang what he had discovered.

what on earth made this concert music so appealing? Li Jian'an muttered to himself. his expression didn't change much, but there was cold sweat on his head.

the extraordinary events that occurred at this concert caused a sensation of varying degrees around the world in just a few hours. After listening to heimofen's music, these people were carried away and began to dance unconsciously and unconsciously. whisper in an unknown language.

Live shows were abruptly canceled, concerts were interrupted, and people who were affected by the piano sounds at heimorphen concerts passed out one after another.

No one could have imagined that heimofen, a musical genius who was thought by everyone to be human, would end up posing a forbidden song that would shock the world. Even in the last scene, which was cut in the live broadcast room, an unknown bass sound suddenly rings out, as if secretly reminding the outside world that the forbidden music posed by heimorphen warns of the existence of another dimension. ta.

Unfortunately, the recording equipment in the gymnasium was destroyed by an unknown force. It appears that a tragic battle occurred before members of the secret team arrived. the force of this battle destroyed the scene. All equipment with built-in radio signals, even electrical products, was pletely destroyed.

therefore, no one can reconstruct everything that happened during those tens of minutes. the only clue they found was seamorphine, which turned into a shriveled corpse at the scene. this creation is more than human. musical geniuses acplish feats that are unimaginable to humans.

heimorphen's body was torn and emaciated, and before he died there was a wild smile on his face, but all seven holes looked like lakes of flesh and blood, covered with blood. It was exactly the same as the last chaotic scene I had seen. . before his death. It was full of twisted, scarred and holed hands that held parts of violins. the strings were missing from the body and seemed to have broken and disappeared.

tonight is destined to be a great loss to humanity. more than 2,000 audience members at a high morphin live concert were left bedridden in a vegetative state. At the same time, they lost a musical genius who could have been immortalized forever.

this unusual event has major implications. Judging by the extent of its influence, this is the most egregious normal occurrence that the mystic Group has ever encountered since its inception. this is also the most tragic event encountered by organizations that oppose normal events around the world.

It appears that hymorphin was the only one who died in this strange incident.

\It's too bad, president Lin, I only had a little success.\ hai mofen expressed his gratitude as he took the warm towel given to him by wei Jiang and wiped his bloody face and body. Said.

``Let's make the ground and take it one step at a time. besides, we have plenty of time now.'' Linlin poured haimofen some hot tea and looked at his partner's dangling legs.

when heimorphen heard this, he smiled, looked at his white, slender, perfect hands, and smiled, \that's right.\ As he thought this, the five-fingered glove covered him again. but.

After saying this, hai maofen apologized again to Li Jiahong, saying, ``this time I made you and your daughter feel unfortable. I will make it up to you.''

Li Jiahong smiled stiffly and asked curiously, \teacher hai, what will you do at the next concert?\

\It will happen as planned,\ heimorphen smiled faintly, his sharp gloves showing the danger of the magic under the control of his flexible five fingers, \It was only in a dream.\

58 viewers are missing

Last night's concert of the century was like a shocking nightmare that lingered like a cloud. I can still feel the echoes of that moment when I stand in the auditorium of the stadium. Standing in the center of the stage, one man assembled an army and played a hellish symphony all by himself. It seems that there is still some shadow and soul left in that figure.

All the members of the mystic team trembled and stood where the bones were standing, staring at them for a long time, not wanting to leave.

As a result of their investigation, mysterious detectives learn of the troubling past of a human treasure and a musical genius.

during his years of silence on heimorphen, he had not intentionally avoided the world, nor was he free-spirited, moody, or arrogant. he had a reason to avoid the world.

At hemofen's mansion in the quiet town of Itai city, where he had retired, mystic detectives discovered traces of extradimensional power in the attic where he was studying musical scores. this man stands alone against the invasion of foreign gods, and last night, in front of everyone's attention, he faced off against a powerful god of resistance, and in that way drove out the god of music, which was made up of pletely irregular sound waves. It looked like it was a success.

Although I could not see with my own eyes the scene in which heimorphen challenges the power of God, the scene of his death that heimorphen left behind shows that even if humans are the enemy, humans can resist the gods in their own way. municated to the world. to the gods. Insects, ants, and ants.

humans may be insignificant to the alien god, so why can't humans choose to create viruses and cells that can \poison\ or even \kill\ the alien god? Is it?

Recently, abnormal situations have been occurring frequently in the sky, including the destruction of the living higanbana, the home base of a mysterious group, the destruction of the dangerous beast god Kusuun, a branch of the Eternal dimension race, and the destruction of the exiled music god. destroyed. by human musicians last night... ...all of which pletely dispelled the notion that once enigmatic detectives thought heaven-level events were unsolvable and unconfrontable to a supernatural deity. It shook me.

humanity has a chance to confront the alien gods, even if it means sacrificing their own lives.

one life, two lives...or hundreds of lives, these sacrifices are worth more than 8 billion people in the world.

moreover, what they want to do is “anti-god” and “god-killing”!

“I’m sorry, mr. haimofen, I didn’t really like your music when you were alive. Your feminine face was too attractive and seductive, and I looked at you through colored glasses. dear. I feel that the success of ``is mainly due to you.'' You look good and your talent is high, but now I feel very disappointed. ” Li Jian stood where haimofen's body used to be and took a long sigh, ``You are one of the greatest human beings I have ever seen.''

\I hope to hear you play again. well, of course magic Sound's music is not beyond mon sense.\ Li Yingqi also felt sad.

Yu Lianyun “…”

Yu Lianyun, the sixth child on the team, always felt guilty. Now, he sees the entire team silently worshiping and mourning heimofen, but he knows that not everyone needs to spend a fortune on heimofen. It took a lot of effort, because he himself always rejoiced at his own death, but now he is like wei Jiang, but no less strange, a form of existence that is inprehensible to people. It is \alive\.

he had already seen a dead hymorphin in a dream in a warehouse in the forest. At that time, hymorphin was happy to be freed from the limitations of his physical body and to be able to enjoy as much time as he wished. Even if it's a little non-stop and offline.

All in all, this guy doesn't deserve a moment of silence.

After the short condolence meeting, he Jian and the others still had to go back to work. Yesterday's incident has been temporarily brought under control, but the fallout from subsequent incidents still needs to be addressed.

wu Gaojun, a mysterious detective who was temporarily partnered with he Jia'an, joins he Jia'an as a member of his tiger team after recently recovering from an accident.

this person is very passionate about his work and has a slightly enthusiastic admiration for he Jia'an. Li Yingqi and Yu Lianyun think there is nothing wrong with each other, but he Jia'an often regrets \bringing a wolf home.\

\his team!\ wu Gaojun reported to he Jia'an every time he made a small discovery. the information he found was helpful, but unhelpful... It seems this dedicated team member had another unusual incident last night. other discoveries were made at the scene.

Li Jian'an was expressionless, waiting for wu Gaojun's answer. when taketaka-kun tried to enter the master, he held out his hand and stopped him, never allowing the other person to e near him.

wu Gao was unperturbed and said excitedly: “captain Lee, I made a new discovery!”

\Say.\ Li Jian'an said coldly.

\Last night's live audience totaled 381 people, and according to the final statistics of attendance, two people were not on the admission list, excluding all interference,\ Kimiteru taketaka reported.

hearing this, he Jian was surprised, Li Yingqi and Yu Lianyun were also a little surprised, and everyone looked serious.

because this is a really important discovery that deserves attention and must be taken seriously.

\do you know who these two are?\ Li Jian'an asked.

takekogun said with a smile, ``I have handed over the investigation work to the technical department.I believe that the results will be available soon.''

Yu Lianyun was silent for a moment. If there were two spectators who weren't on the admission list, he might know who they were, but he couldn't say it...

\huh?\ Yu Lianyun felt cold on her neck, and the cold wind was blowing. he looked up and looked around. where does the refreshing natural breeze e from in a closed gymnasium?

At this moment, Yu Lianyun felt numb. this was because he wasn't sure if it was his own high level of spiritual power that caused the trouble this time, and it made him feel like there was some sort of abnormal phenomenon that he shouldn't actively look for.

however, Yu Lianyun's work is actually no different from taking the initiative to mit suicide. when Yu Lianyun confirmed that this might be his psychic ability to find abnormalities around him, he couldn't resist this feeling and touched the back of his neck and turned his head. Let's walk while finding and feeling the mysterious direction of the wind.

Not long after, he reached a section of the auditorium with stairs, stopped, crouched down, and took a closer look at what was special about that area.

\wait!? Is this...a crack?\ Yu Lianyun was taken aback for a moment, but finally managed to sneak in through a gap in one of the stair tiles and found a crack that was connected to the outside world.

Yu Lianyun felt an inexplicable premonition, but at that moment, bu Gaojun also seemed to receive feedback from the technical department at the same time.

``the results are out!'' wu Gaojun rushed to he Jia'an and reported the results of the investigation he had received. “Electronic equipment inside the stadium has been destroyed, but there are still people near the pre-inspection point at the civic Sports center. Street cameras connected to another underground cable provide a clear view of all spectators entering and exiting the gates. It can be seen that after classifying and analyzing, in the end, only the father and daughter who entered the scene could not find the corresponding parison results.

And at the moment when the usual event was expected to occur, it seemed that father and daughter knew something in advance. they had already left the scene before the incident really broke out. ”

Li Jiang frowned, there was definitely something strange about this.

before Futaka finished speaking, he continued to report, ``Furthermore, we finally found a person who was not on the ticket list, but after checking the surveillance, he sneaked into the outer perimeter of the stadium before the concert started.''

\who are these three people?\ Li Jia'an asked seriously.

59 survivors

Information regarding the three suspected anomalous survivors currently under investigation is contained in three reports.

the two main mystery teams, tiger team and Snake team, gathered around a table with three reports on it. they looked at the three names and their photos on the first page of the report. Everyone had different expressions.

“Li Jiahong, 46 years old, Li Youning, 4 years old!?” At this moment, Li Jian, the leader of the snake group, couldn’t stop his eyebrows from throbbing. when he saw the father and daughter records in xuanmi's group information system, he couldn't control it. he asked, his tone low and surprised. \Are you a survivor of a normal event in the sky?\

Looking at the detailed record of the abnormal situation in the sky, Sha Zi'an suddenly turned to the constipated tiger Squad members and said, \Isn't that the abnormal situation of the tiger Squad that just passed by? I know. ?what is its origin?”

this seemingly ordinary father-daughter pair actually survived two extraordinary events in a row in the sky. whether by ability or luck, this is far beyond any trained professional occult detective, and even grade A mystic detectives, including She Zian himself, are likely to have to surrender. there is.

the lucky young and promising leader of team Snake has never experienced even a normal celestial phenomenon in his 13 years on the job. the biggest abnormality he has ever encountered was the only one at the prefectural level.

that's why She Zian's reaction was so interesting. one day he thought he saw two gods.
