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微看书 > 克苏鲁地方志 > 第20章 阴影中的背叛

第20章 阴影中的背叛 (第1/2页)

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乔纳森·里德博士对禁忌知识的不懈追求的传奇故事继续展开。在揭开启蒙之眼并深入研究了阿汉托斯的秘密之后,里德博士的导路与足智多谋的记者阿米莉亚·布莱克伍德(Amelia blackwood)的道路汇合。他们一起结成了联盟,他们的共同目标驱使他们更深入这个危险的城镇。


他们的调查导致他们参加了一个秘密聚会,一个致力于伟大老人的个人的聚会。在一位名叫维克多·达贡(Victor dagon)的魅力人物的带领下,这个邪教试图唤醒古代神灵,并根据他们扭曲的愿景重塑世界。












乔纳森·里德博士和阿米莉亚·布莱克伍德对禁忌知识的不懈追求的传奇故事发生了危险的转变。在面对伟大的古老者的崇拜和有魅力的领袖维克多·达贡之后,他们发现自己被背叛并被俘虏在 R'lyeh 扭曲的走廊中。



\...outside.\ Li Yingchi was stunned for a moment, but then immediately reprimanded the two teammates who deliberately disrupted the atmosphere.

Li Jian and Yu Lianyun immediately fled the scene.

Seeing them leave, Li Yingchi’s mouth curled up slightly, and her mood was no longer so heavy.

he gripped the bird's wings tightly and turned and headed back to the palace inside the stone gate...

Li Jian and Yu Lianyun ran to the ruins of the underground city. the two were silent. In fact, they were not as optimistic as they just indicated.

got it -

Yu Lianyun suddenly felt cold under her feet and was shocked by a familiar voice. he immediately stopped running and looked around carefully.

\what's wrong?\ Li Jian'an also stopped moving, looked at Yu Lianyun who looked a little nervous, and raised his eyebrows as if he knew, \what did you feel again?\

Yu Lianyun nodded with excitement in her eyes and said, “It’s Yao Jensen, I feel Yao Jensen.”

“Yao Jensen?” Li Jian’an frowned. of course, he knew that Yu Lianyun was the lucky person involved in the \blessing\, but it seems that no one other than Yu Lianyun could see the \blessing\ directly, but Yu Lianyun I also heard that Yun is said to be Yao Zhenzhen. qu xuen was wiped out by the last blowfish incident, but he did not expect that \blessing\ would appear again so stubborn and dirty.

Suddenly, Yu Lianyun finally witnessed a group of black shadows creeping on the ground, and immediately moved to the surface of the ruins.

Yu Lianyun notes that the blessed incarnations seem to be particularly interested in corpses, as if something left in a fresh corpse is their food source, and they like it very much. I knew.

but at this time, they were about to leave the underground city, and Yu Lianyun wondered whether he should chase them again.

\catch up and take a look.\ Li Jia'an saw Yu Lianyun's thoughts and said, \I happen to be interested too.\

Yu Lianyun nodded, then ran forward and led he Jiang to catch up with the group of shadows moving at high speed.

Seeing a group of shadows passing under the pile of rubble, Yu Lianyun stopped and looked straight at the twisted arm exposed outside the rubble.

``Is there something wrong with this body?'' Yu Lianyun thought, walking away from the building debris buried above the corpse.

After Li Jia'an established xinjunmao, he and Yu Lianyun left Rock. After a while, he clearly saw a corpse under the ruins. he turned into a headless corpse. the other one was wearing the gray uniform of the Evolutionary paradise organization.

``how could someone die like that?'' both Yu Lianyun and he Jia'an were surprised. based on the body's physical characteristics, Yu Lianyun determined that the body must have died recently, and that it was no more than four years ago. schedule.

Yu Lianyun then saw a group of shadows passing over the corpse and slipping deep into the hole in the ruins. he was forced to pull out the tablet, actually opening up the cavity and being able to see the ruins buried beneath. As the head of the torso looked at him carefully, the shadow ball merged with the shadow under the head and made a delicious gnawing sound.

“huang Zichao?!” Yu Lianyun and he Jia’an both looked at the human head and were worried. they clearly remembered that huang Zichao was still alive and was chasing a group of snakes from underground.

but why does he appear here?

the answer is obvious. the huang Zichao they saw before was not himself. It was replaced by an unknown parasite in the bodies of members of the Evolutionary paradise organization and succeeded in fooling everyone.

\was it accidentally replaced by this when the green oil was released and everyone was forced to disperse?\ Li Jia'an guessed that this was most likely.

As the shadow group chews up the shadow on the head, the skin of the head without a body bees increasingly pale, and eventually dries up like a stone statue of tofu. the head shatters into pieces as the shadow group belches contentedly.


the sound of whipping at high speed echoed. before he Jia'an and Yu Lianyun could react, he Jia'an was shocked and fell into the debris and dirt scattered on the ground. Yu Lianyun Yun Ze subconsciously shrank back and closed his eyes.

After realizing that there was no pain, Yu Lianyun slowly opened his eyes and saw a pair of black arms extending from behind his shoulders and tightly grasping the arm that suddenly attacked him.

Yao Zhenzhen slowly appeared from behind Yu Lianyun, tilting her head and making a strange sound like her body was breaking. he let out another low, scalp-tingling scream.

Yu Lianyun felt relieved and looked at the strange creature that was raising its arms. the creature was wearing mysterious detective armor, but above the neck was a deformed head with several arms protruding from the eye sockets and mouth of the deformed head. the body exhibited an uncontrollably twisted walking posture.

``huang Zichao is truly a parasite.'' cold sweat appeared on Yu Lianyun's forehead. when he saw he Jian's upper body sunk in the ruins, he became very worried.

Yao Zhenzhen raised a hoarse voice to “huang Zichao,” as if declaring Yu Lianyun’s exclusive rights. Yu Lianyun's body is reserved for her taste, and she must not be allowed any harm that affects her taste.

\huang Zichao\ did not seem to understand Yao Zhenzhen's warning, and crossed his arms and attacked Yulianyun again. Yao Zhenzhen’s expression suddenly became fierce and frightening. Yao Zhenzhen moved towards the opponent at high speed, opened his black mouth and bit hard into the neck of \huang Zichao\.

having witnessed this, when he sensed the premonition of \huang Zichao\'s attack, he rolled over without hesitation to evade it. Although he hid in a very embarrassing way, he avoided the same fate as he Jia'an.

\Yeah!\ Yao Jensen let out a strange cry and bit his neck a little hard.

hearing a tearing sound, Yao Zhenzhen used his mouth to violently snap huang Zichao's neck and separate her head from her body. he pressed his strong, slender arm against me. , he flattened his head into a ball, stuffed it into his mouth and ate it like crazy.

he appeared to be eating a large raw octopus, and Yu Lianyun stared at him with a look of disgust.

After confirming that the surrounding area was safe, Yu Lianyun rushed to the fallen mr. he Jia'an and found that his face was deformed and blood was flowing from the corner of his right eye and from his nostril. he suddenly felt unwell and immediately checked he Jia'an's vital signs to identify the accident. it's true.

In the end, Yu Lianyun breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Fortunately, the tiger team captain was thick-skinned enough. my heart rate was a little high, but still within normal limits. the cheekbone on the right side of his face was also broken, and the bridge of his nose was also broken. It's broken, but it's no big deal.

After all, the human skull is extremely strong.

he took out a gun from his pocket and thrust it into he Jia'an's thigh. After the injection, he Jian, who had been in a a, suddenly woke up and was shocked to get up. before he could open his mouth to curse, he was unable to speak due to the severe pain from the wound to his face. I rolled my eyes and almost passed out from the pain again.

Fortunately, the endurance medicine had a certain refreshing feeling, and he Jian endured the excruciating pain. After feeling relieved for a while, he looked at huang Zichao's headless body with wide eyes, then looked at Yu Lianyun and said:

“this is Yao Zhenzhen’s.” Yu Lianyun didn’t hide it. he helped he Jia'an to his feet and said, \You'd better leave now.\

Li Jia'an nodded, suppressing the pain caused by the broken cheekbone on the right side of his face, and left on his back with xin Junmao next to him again.

Yu Lianyun turned around and looked at Shimen from a distance, her eyes filled with anxiety and hope, and she thought, ``I accidentally stopped the parasite ``huang Zichao'' for you. but I hope you survive.”

the gluttonous girl is now trapped in a recurring dream. No matter how you kill heimorphen, heimorphen still plays the violin, so killing him is pointless.

Gradually growing tired of the senseless slaughter, heimorphen became more and more energetic. the movements of the scroll saw became more and more exaggerated, and the sound of the piano became louder and louder.

\I say it one last time, leave or die,\ hymorphin said as the music played.

In the face of heimorphen's threat, the gluttonous girl's deformed body stood up. he looked scared.

however, heimorphen felt that Gluttony Girl's intense emotions gradually subsided and a strange atmosphere gradually spread.

In the next moment, the gluttonous girl's fat mass-like body suddenly became toned and she became relatively thin. the blood that flowed irregularly on the ground turned into concrete ridges and strips of plant roots. members of both sexes crowded together, forming an upside-down umbrella shape. the indescribable gluttonous girl has finally blossomed into a human body.

At the core of the flower, the male and female branches intermingle and bee one, eventually forming a beautiful animal with half its body covered in scales and fin-like ears. his hands and fingers are intertwined as if in prayer, and his face has a sad and peaceful expression. the sky amplified his voice and sang.

the intertwining of Jaoren's mysterious and beautiful singing voice with heimofen's violin and strings creates a melancholy feeling, but also feels like glue.

high morphen raised a solemn eyebrow. Unlike the previous confrontation with the Extradimensional musician, the Extradimensional musician used a more direct and dominant method to confront him head-on, while Gluttony's daughter took a pletely different approach. he did not choose to fight, preferring to incorporate his songs into musical melodies.

he harnesses the power of music to the fullest!

Li Yingqi's 92 talents

buzz -

Linlin folded her arms and listened to haimofen's solo with interest. After noticing the change in the time signature of the notes, he suddenly made a more beautiful arc at the corner of his mouth and said, \the melody is not good.\

``oh, is there?'' xin Junmao was surprised when he heard Ling Ling's words. he didn't recognize her at all. Even the other audience members didn't seem to notice him. they were always immersed in heimofen's string music. In the middle.

\If you have a sufficiently high level of skill, you can quickly make adjustments. It goes without saying that high morphen is a world-class musical genius, a talent that even musicians from another dimension would envy. No,” Linlin explained with a smile.

xin Junmao understood. however, I felt that the young shopkeeper in front of me was a little strong. he could instantly grasp the details of the mistake. he may have left a very high achievement in music theory.

one moment, he was still sighing, and the next moment, xin Junmao's heart suddenly jumped, suddenly turned his head and looked at the gluttonous girl next to him, and a moment passed, and the gluttonous girl It turns out that it looked close. that. A few points.

xin Junmao jumped in surprise and looked at hai mo Fen, who was playing hard in the center of the stage. he noticed that the other person's expression was no longer one of euphoria and pleasure, but a slightly intense expression with gritted teeth, as if the melody had entered a technical level. Very tall chapter.

And xin Junmao was in a situation where haimorphen was definitely not worried about the difficulty of music at this time, but haimorphen was worried about the girl's gluttony fight on another spiritual level. I knew that, and now this little mistake is the final answer to this. . that's good evidence.

“I’m sorry, boss Lin, I think I have to go home first.” xin Junmao swallowed, hurriedly said goodbye to Lingling, quickly walked through the audience, exited the aisle, and left the stage.

Ling Ling smiled and nodded, watching xin Junmao leave, and then looked at the greedy girl who acted like a powerful robot. After realizing that xin Junmao had left, he quickly stood up step by step. run after him.

Faced with this situation, he just watched happily and had no intention of interfering.

Li Yinchi tore the biofilm in the slime lake and finally came to a room in the Gluttony queen's palace, where there was a smelly unknown red slime.

there was a large sara growing on the bed in the room. It was like a heart beating one after another. At the same time, bright red light was emitted from inside the sara, illuminating the sara's thin barrier and reflecting the light outside. the shadow of a woman crouching inside a sara.

this sara resembled an embryo, but the adult who was conceived inside the embryo was not a child.

``does this child sleep in a gulet?'' Li Yingchi held the bird's feathers tightly in her hand. he felt gratitude more than any other emotion in his heart. he was very happy that he had correctly guessed the situation with the Gurte girl.

As expected, the Gluttonous Girl and xin Junmao were simultaneously affected by the power of an unknown entity. they both fell into a deep sleep, their consciousness probably being controlled by an unknown being.

``Now is the best chance to take action.'' Li Yingchi took a deep breath, gripped the pen tightly with both hands, and stretched the sharp hairs up to her heart. his mind immediately went back to the past 20 years. Years have passed, but I feel in my heart that my life experience is parable to those of old people who have lived peacefully for more than 60 years.

please stop sewing!

the sharp hair follicles pierced the delicate skin around the heart, penetrated the layers of flesh, and finally penetrated the beating heart.

there was a great pain from the heart to the head, and Li Yingqi's body immediately became convulsed with agony, but he gritted his teeth and continued to endure, feeling the power of the bird's feathers flowing from the heart's feathers, merging with the heart's blood. . Ventricular surgery. In the middle, an indescribable force crawled over his body, like thousands of ants gnawing at him.

the pain lasted for about 30 seconds, and suddenly Li Yingqi felt as if a certain area of her brain was blocked. Although my ability to feel pain was diminished, the heightened emotions that came with it were replaced by peace and joy. .

Gu huo bird's mysterious power changed his body. his body transformed rapidly. From his back and arms grew white feathers with black edges. the wing membranes in the armpits also grew rapidly, and finally the hands turned into wings, which slowly became covered with feathers.

After a minute, Li Yingchi's glow disappeared, and Li Yingchi's body also pleted its transformation. his body pletely transformed into Gu xiaoyu's appearance.

Li Yingchi felt a strange change in her body. I just used the mirror in the gluttonous girl's room to check my current appearance. Although he was prepared, he was still shocked by what he saw in the mirror.

Is the humanoid female bird in the mirror, with her high forehead, tousled hair, big dark eyes, and roaring mouth, exactly the same as she is now?

he wanted to make sounds, but it turned out that his throat was also deformed and he could not speak like a human. what he wanted to say would eventually be automatically translated into another language according to certain rules.

\e on, girl of gluttony, let's see if you can withstand my current strength.\ After Li Yingqi calmed down a little, she jumped up and tightened the bird's claws, grabbing the sara with her sharp claws. .


Li Yingqi felt her feet walking on the fragile jelly, and felt a certain amount of elastic resistance, but it was not enough to withstand his sharp nails. Suddenly, the sara ruptured and a large amount of tight red fluid shot out of it. Shoot through.

when the sara was damaged, the band of flesh growing around the sara swayed like a vine, relying on her instinct to chase away and kill Li Yingqi, who had just injured her mother's body.

Li Yingchi gritted his teeth and dodged the attack of the fleshy arm. his body shape changes freely in the air. we don't know if it was an instinct for the power of the feathers, or if they really had a special talent for controlling the bird's body. he effortlessly rolled over several times in the air. It was easy to get around the gourmet girl's instinctive defenses, and she even felt a little happy when she did.

Li Yingqi remembered that the wings can also be used as a means of attack by the bird. he lifted the wing and immediately felt that the feathers on the wing were tightly bunched together and arranged exactly as he wanted, as if forming a large cuff. Each feather feather can be thought of as the sharp edge of a dagger.

wings flew down, and Li Yingqi felt as if the air had been cut. Suddenly, an invisible slash came flying from the air and directly cut off the foreign arm that was continuously attacking.


After trying to use his wings to attack several times in a row, Li Yinchi became more accustomed to the bird's body. After a while, Li Yingqi did not consider these dangerous meat whips to be a danger worthy of special attention, and continued to attack Sara. attack


In the dream space, the gluttonous girl suddenly fell to the ground, and heimorphen, who was trapped in a fierce battle with the enemy, couldn't hide his surprise.

Eighty-three and unbearable hunger and thirst (extra edition)

bang bang bang!

Yu Lianyun and the paralyzed he Jiaan fired continuously, repelling and killing the normal beasts that attacked them on the way.

they are neither green nor bloodless. they are the weapons chiefs of different tribes under the mand of the taste Girl. they have excellent camouflage abilities. they usually have a fully human body, with only the parasitic head replaced. And it has pletely inherited the memories of the person whose head was replaced.

pared to pests and human blood, the risk of encountering them head-on is much smaller, since they are human bodies after all, and the body's ability to move depends purely on the parasite's physical capabilities. Since the human body is destroyed, if the head is not replaced with a healthy body in time, it will die just like humans.

therefore, Yu Lianyun and he Jia'an were not in any serious danger when they encountered these weapons. pared to what they encountered today, their presence added no more fear to their hearts than just anxiety. .

Seeing the tentacle head wearing a mysterious detective uniform, Yu Lianyun and he Jiaan felt a little uneasy in their hearts.

we don't know when these mysterious detectives were infested. If he was just parasitic, it would be too sad for the mysterious detectives who came to help him. And if they were once parasites, then how many people in Suitake city are no longer human?

they got even worse when they thought the house of cards consortium was connected to the paradise Evolution organization.

Assuming that unnatural organizations such as evolutionary paradises that have deeply penetrated human society are no exception, given china's vast land area and huge population ratio, current human society has no human-like structure. how many normal animals are there? hidden in silence, they each have their own hidden agendas and impure thoughts. It's really hard to evaluate the good and the bad.

``I'm a little worried, but will Yin qi's plan work?'' Yu Lianyun thought to herself.

Although he was shocked, heimorphen came back to his senses and looked at the Gluttonous Girl, who was gradually changing into a chinese dress. \It seems like my body in the real world suddenly started hurting, and it seems to have worked. I was pletely relieved,\ he said calmly.

\damn... damn.\ the gluttonous girl was filled with dissatisfaction. he felt cheated when everything he had experienced today was a trap carefully set by humans to control him.

the great thing about Gluttony Girl is that there are still people in this world who can harm her body.

high morphin looked at his opponent silently. he was trying not to upset his daughter, but he also had an important concert at that time. he had already made a mistake when he was distracted by the song of Guton's daughter, the dealer. , If you keep fighting your opponent, your gains will outweigh your losses.

divine abilities cannot care about honor, but heimorphen does care about honor. For him, perfecting a near-perfect performance is a lifelong pursuit.

\So you made the choice to die or leave?\ heimorphen asked again.

After hearing heimorphen's words, the gluttonous girl weighed the advantages and disadvantages, gritted her teeth and said, ``okay, I'll go.''

hymorphin smiled and nodded, closed his eyes and continued playing his violin. the Gurte girl felt a tugging sensation. he no longer resisted and followed the direction of the pull. my vision went dark and I quickly lost consciousness. In the whirlpool...

At the same time, xin Junmao, who was chased by a woman in a cheongsam who not only had a devilish face but also a \devil\ face, suddenly turned around and saw miss qiao disappearing onto the field.

xin Junmao stopped in shock and confusion and looked at the empty hallway behind him. he bravely returned, but never saw mr. Zhao again. You really went...

``did I return to the real world after leaving this dream world?'' xin Junmao couldn't help but think, ``If that's the case, wouldn't he be able to control my body at will?''

xin Junmao just trembled. he too wanted to break away from haimofen's dream and return to reality, but when he looked around he did not know where he was. he wandered into a maze-like corridor of dreams. road

this is no ordinary dream. xin Junmao tried to wake up in pain and fear of death, but there was no sign of him waking up. Injury or suicide will wear him down.

\what should I do...do I have to wait for hai mofen to finish the concert? In that case, my daylily will be cold?\ xin Junmao was worried, so he bit the bullet and returned that's all I could do.

If you can't find the exit, please at least let me go back to the performance venue...

Li Yinchi swung his wings and claws and sliced through the giant sara in front of him. he felt like he had cut open the belly of a pregnant woman. however, he was not a doctor, but rather a thoughtless and depraved murderer.

this crazy relationship not only did not cause Li Yingqi any disfort, but also made her feel more appropriate and inexplicably calm.

From the torn sara, unknown thin particles of flesh and blood and greasy fat tumble out. Serum from the sara washed away the dirt on the floor. A thin, curly-haired female monster slipped out of the sara. there were many scars on his body. the part of the biological tube that is directly connected to the sara resembles an umbilical cord, which is likely the female monster's means of absorbing nutrients from the sara.

when Li Yingqi finally saw the tutor appear, she raised her bird's foot and angrily stomped on the tutor's head.

In the next moment, Li Yingchi only felt pain in her ankle. If you look closely, you can see the female monster's mouth open at one point. his head became huge, as if it could contain everything. his bloody mouth swallowed all her sharp claws directly into his mouth. , and the female monster's mouth seemed to hold tens of thousands of teeth, and her sharp teeth bit off all the bird's legs.

Li Yingqi immediately cut off the bird's leg that was attached to the lotus root and flew away high into the sky. At that moment, the effect of the elixir that brought back death that he had taken took effect. Even if he instantly turns into a bird, his broken limbs regenerate at an astonishing speed.

the female monster stood upright from the ground and chewed on the broken bones and flesh. her thin body gradually became thicker and rounder until her skin protruded so much that it resembled a chinese dress.

the girl in overalls turned her head 180 degrees and looked at the bird that had just attacked her. her beautiful face opened her red lips, revealing two rows of jagged molars like a boar's mouth, and smiled fiercely. I said, ``there is such an animal. I haven't eaten it yet. It's delicious. I delivered it to your door, so don't run away.''

After saying that, the gluttonous girl's body suddenly undulated and distorted, and fleshy wings sprouted from her body. on its wings, protruding cysts of various sizes grow like grapes, like bamboo shoots after spring rains, after which the bird dies. the unique white feathers on the black side that grow from the ``grape'' sway like the handles of a wind chime, and the beautiful head transforms into the wary face of a Gufuo bird.

the gluttonous girl looked at Li Yingqi, who was looking at his sharp legs with empty big eyes, and let out a long cry, saliva flowing from the corner of her mouth as if she was unbearably hungry.
