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微看书 > 克苏鲁地方志 > 第21章 面纱的低语

第21章 面纱的低语 (第1/2页)

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在他孤独的追求中,命运介入了,将德雷文的命运线与另一个寻求真理的人交织在一起。Seraphina Nightshade,一个熟练的织梦者,穿过draven的道路,被宇宙交响乐所吸引,在他们呼吸的空气中回荡。塞拉菲娜的存在为德拉文的追求带来了新的维度,她空灵的洞察力和对梦境的掌握是黑暗中的灯塔。






Li Ka'an is not a historian, much less an expert in the study of ancient writings. It is unclear what these secret scripts, like cuneiform, represent.

he wanted to know this word...

Li Jian's spirit was soaring, and his whole body trembled. No, that's not what he wanted to see. what he really wanted to know was how to defeat the girl he had sex with, and a clear way to avoid almost certain death.

Is this just the beginning and his brain is already affected?

cold sweat dripped from his forehead. he Jian's reason, which he thought was far superior to that of ordinary people, seemed insignificant and worthless in front of this book of sand. he looked at the dust flowing into the book of sand. the sound of rustling sand sounds like a book laughing at itself.

\calm down.\ Li Jia'an secretly admonished himself and silently opened the book.

he looked at the words that came to mind. his eyes seemed to be drawn into a black hole. he stares. he wanted to look out of his eyes and let his soul participate in the all-enpassing book. In the world.

Yu Lianyun saw he Jia’an’s increasingly crazy expression. Ever since the other party opened the book, Yu Lianyun had been watching he Jia'an's actions from the other side. If he Jia'an really went insane because of the book of Sand, he would banish he Jia'an before he did anything outrageous.

Soon, Yu Lianyun noticed that he Jiaan was moving his hand. Sometimes he smiled wildly, and sometimes his lips pursed in sadness. Even though he was partially paralyzed, he couldn't stop the overflowing excitement.

when he Jia'an made the motion of flipping the book three times in a row, Yu Lianyun could no longer restrain himself. he grabbed he Jia’an’s hand and tried to make him put down the book. but his hands weren't focused on the sand book. , his hand passed through the book and made he Jia'an unable to let go of the hand that was holding the book, but this did not seem to affect he Jia'an's reading. It is still read obsessively, even fanatically.

Seeing that this was not going to work, Yu Lianyun kicked he Jianan down.

however, even though he Jian'an fell down, he held the book firmly in his hand and never let go.

At this moment, Yu Lianyun suddenly realized that traditional methods could not disturb the people who read the book of Sand, and also knew how powerful General douglas's crazy war was 300 years ago. I was shocked. only his patience and mental strength will allow him to endure some obsessions that he could not put down the book.

the malicious conspirators who decided to put this book here had the confidence and courage to put it here because they had long expected this to happen.

Eighty-Eight Exchange

Is there another way to get he Jian to stop reading?

Yu Lianyun, who once had a qualification in forensic medicine, knew the structure of the human body well. he knew which muscles and joints were hit so hard that he Jian'an let go of the forbidden book.

the first time he struck the aorta was in the bicep of he Jian's right arm. due to the momentary blood blockage, he Jia'an's arm muscles ached, and his grip on the book slightly loosened. however, the book of Sand was still in he Jia'an's hands. he still had the patience and strength to lift his fingers and continued to hold on to the book.

Seeing this, Yu Lianyun gritted her teeth, struggled in her heart for a while, and finally made a difficult decision.

he pulled out a thin, sharp knife from a gap in his tactical vest. Yu Lianyun held it like a scalpel. he grabbed the knife back and stabbed he Jian in the arm.

In an instant, he Jia'an's arm holding the book suddenly lost its strength, and the sand book slipped from his hand. when he Jia'an looked at the book and was about to take it back, Yu Lianyun hugged he Jia'an's waist. he pushed hard and pushed the person out.

Li Jia'an failed to grasp the book of Sand and fell heavily to the ground. despite the choking sound and the back of his head hitting the ground, he struggled to his feet, eyes wide as he tried to pick up the book.

\I'm sorry, captain Li.\ Yu Lianyun climbed on top of he Jia'an, pinned he Jia'an's arm with his knee, and punched he Jia'an in the face, which was already badly injured.

After a verbal outburst that seemed almost to clear a personal grudge, mr. he Jian finally came to his senses.

\don't play around, don't play around...play around, play around.\ Li Jia'an waved his hand several times to prevent Yu Lianyun from throwing another pink dot, but the voice sounded a little scary. ta.

\Are you awake?\ Yu Lianyun breathed a sigh of relief and stood up from he Jia'an, a little embarrassed, and said, \I'm sorry, but this is also inevitable.\

“I know, I don’t blame you.” Li Jian’an felt that her face was pletely ruined. \but that punch wasn't in vain,\ he said, his eyes swollen like lightbulbs. \the good news is, at least I know the consequences of binge eating.\ the weakness of women... whoosh... I never thought that this book of sand would even record the origins and weaknesses of a supernatural god worthy of its title of ``omniscience.'' ”

Yu Lianyun looked happy and knelt down to listen carefully.

\the body of the Girl of Gluttony is actually a type of extract from a past life. After that extract was transformed by a different species, life was accidentally created. however, at first it had almost no intelligence, but it did have instincts. devouring and Evolving having been slaves for a long time, they gradually evolved considerable intelligence through devouring.

After gaining wisdom, they gradually became lustful. these Sephiroth creatures slowly gained consciousness in order to fight for freedom and resist their masters. they fought the alien race that created them and ultimately lost both.

At that time, a natural enemy, an alien, arrives, and this unfortunate alien inevitably meets its fate of destruction. primordial creatures found an opportunity to escape from an alien race. take control and finally be free.

however, the battle between two powerful races on Earth in ancient times caused drastic changes in the global environment, which directly caused the global environment to suddenly deteriorate. It was so terrifying that even organisms like the source of matter, which at that time had absorbed large amounts of high-quality biological genetic traits, were unable to resist it. In the end, only a few creatures with extremely strong material sources survived, and the daughter of Gluttony was one of the best survivors.

through many ups and downs and changes over the years, Gluttony's daughter has undergone a time-consuming evolution to ultimately arrive at what it is today. ``Li Jian remembered the contents of the book he had read, as if his addiction had relapsed. he gritted his teeth and resisted the urge to read the book again.'' According to . the race that created the Gouton girls and the source creatures. Sephiroth's weakness appears to be the production of life plasma, which the aliens used to create Sephiroth. only items made of these things can cause serious damage to the sex friend's daughter. ”

Li Jiaan knelt on the ground, clenched his fists tightly, tried his best to suppress his desire, and rolled back and forth on the ground.

\then where can I get these original weapons? Are they here?\ Yu Lianyun hurriedly asked.

\there's nothing here in Antarctica.\

After hearing the answer, Yu Lianyun froze to the ground and cried out, \doesn't this mean we will definitely die?\

covered in sweat, Li Jian'an leaned against the wall, trying to steady his breathing. After holding out for a while, he slowly got used to the addiction of flipping through books and felt his desire lessen. he looked at Yu Lianyun weakly and said, \the sand book also recorded other ways that you can help us, and that's it.\

Li Jia'an raised his weak arm, pointed at xin Junmao, who was unconscious next to him, and said: maybe he can turn the situation around...\

“does this woman really have such a powerful force?” Yu Lianyun was a little surprised. this was unexpected for him.


Suddenly, Yu Lianyun and he Jiaan heard the sound of spring water gushing out. A viscous crimson liquid with strong corrosive properties was gushing out of every hole in the ground where the altar was located. due to the characteristics of high temperature, the moment the red viscous liquid appeared, the surrounding temperature increased and the dense holes in the surrounding stone wall carved into the natural stone were destroyed.

“the girl wearing the gurt is still chasing him.” Li Jian’an said nervously, and Yu Lianyun surrounded xin Junmo.

Yu Lianyun laughed. Faced with such a crisis, he could only pray in his heart that this nun was a master of practicing buddhism and would be able to overe this difficulty.

Seeing the red liquid gather and gradually form a large object, he Jiaan and Yu Lianyun's heartbeats rapidly accelerated.

“Zhao… mr. Zhao, e on… let’s talk.” At this moment, xin Junmao, who was sleeping, suddenly opened his eyes. As soon as he stood up, he stood up shaky with a chaotic mind. She said she was a sago girl.

the girl of gluttony split into a human woman with snow-like skin. when the woman opened her eyes, a spiritual light suddenly appeared in her eyes.

mr. Zhao appeared wearing a chinese dress, but this time the other half was pletely naked. the other person said in human language, \Are you finally going to agree to be my executioner?\

``If you don't mind, could you please stop attacking others?'' xin Junmao negotiated terms with the office worker.

hearing this, mr. Zhao narrowed his eyes and said, \No, they must die.\ he angrily pointed at Yu Lianyun and he Jia'an and said, \It's because of these two that the palace was destroyed and I'm in such a bad situation now. It's not just one of my subordinates, it's all of them.\ die and run...\

Li Jian'an and Yu Lianyun looked at xin Junmao in shock as he suddenly stood up and suddenly became brave.

xin Junmao took another step forward, blocked his body in front of Yu Lianyun and he Jiaan, and said in a stern tone: together with you guys we can rebuild the broken palace. ”

\You will boil me, and you must die too.\ mr. qiao disagreed with mr. xin Junmao's agreement. As he said this, he stretched out his right hand, and a large, unidentified sara behind him suddenly tore open, forming a clot of red blood. A large hand stretched out from the crack and held down he Jian'an and Yu Lianyun, trying to kill them.

xin Junmao gritted his teeth and jumped into the attack range of the big hand. Immediately, the b in his hand exploded again with a flash of light, and then the kind-hearted bhikkhuni appeared again bathed in the buddha's light. he supported the bright glow as he chanted scriptures. Invisible barriers gather to repel the great hand.

\You're lying!\ Seeing xin Junmao's actions, mr. Zhao shouted.

\I'm serious, I'll be your executioner,\ xin Junmao said solemnly, \but I don't want to see anyone else die, so please don't do it.\

miss qiao screamed and jumped at the Roshan monster behind her. his body slowly merged with Roshan's monster body and his beautiful eyes were full of evil evil birds.

Seeing that they could not reach an agreement, xin Junmao's eyes were a little red and he choked up a little with despair. “do I still have to do this?”

Looking at the huge mountain of flesh roaring at the world, the white human limbs on top of the mountain of flesh are tied together and tied together, playing in the air by themselves, the ugly and dirty temperament is on full display.

``xin Junmao, what do you want to do?'' Yu Lianyun felt that xin Junmao's attitude was a little strange, as if he felt that he had to make a huge sacrifice even though he didn't want to do anything.

xin Junmao turned around and said with a wry smile, \I might not be able to go back. please tell my parents...I can't think of anything. please help me.\

As he spoke, he lifted a shiny b and brushed it through his hair, muttering, \please stop.\

when xin Junmao's new wish came true, the bhikkuni's half-closed eyes suddenly opened. he turned his head to look at xin Junmao with his eyes closed, and silently flew towards xin Junmao, holding xin Junmao's face and eyes tightly with both hands. .

xin Junmao felt that the palm touching her face was very gentle, warm like the sun, and soft like a cloud. he couldn't help but be intoxicated by such a feeling, and his fear seemed to melt like ice and snow, so he slowly opened his eyes and saw a pair of beautiful I looked into his eyes.

he blinked and felt his skin break, his body and blood peeling off, and his vitality slowly draining away. he just watched as everything that had been separated from his body slowly became one, returning one by one according to the bhikkhuni's form. .

In response, xin Junmao laughed and murmured in relief.

As he spoke, he walked toward the scattered ghosts, his face slowly sinking into the b.

Living people made the exchange. As Linlin said, it seems that as long as bhikkhuni tries to get out of the seal b alive, others will inevitably sacrifice their lives for her.

89 changes (two-in-one)

xin Junmao's face disappeared, and the gluttonous girl became even more ferocious. his roar immediately shook the entire underground. Yu Lianyun and he Jian'an felt their brains tighten as they heard the roar of filial piety from a close distance. two of them were five. blood poured out of Kong, his vision went dark, and he quickly fell to the ground.

the gluttonous girl removed the thick suspension of blood from her body like a flytrap that surrounded the bhikkhuni.

Just as the two halves of blood were about to close, a white light suddenly emitted. the gluttonous girl separated and used it to devour and strangle the bhikkhuni. parts of their bodies were shattered into pieces by the power of the white light.

due to the violent collision of the two forces, the entire underground space, from underground to above ground, was shaken even more violently.

Another earthquake, another earthquake! ?

what are these people hiding? ?

At this moment, the people of cuizhu city not only felt a stronger earthquake, but also heard the roar of an unknown beast full of gluttony. they came from holes in the ground, sewer mouths, house drains, and even pipes. water always es out of the water outlet, but the sound is high-pitched and scary.

If only one person hears it, it may be an illusion. when many people hear it, when the whole town hears it, it will bee a truth that cannot be defended or hidden.

there must be a beast underground in Suizhu city that drives people crazy and frightens them. Its power shakes the earth, and its sound pierces the soul. due to its existence, those who know the truth do not dare to reveal its existence to the outside world.

pared to many people, those who had just experienced the explosion of the emperor's skyscraper not only recognized the reality of a peaceful world, but also witnessed with their own eyes terrifying creatures escaping from the skyscraper. . they were not conventional animals at all. these crouching, abominable, ferocious monsters are clearly more in line with the work of any fantasy artist, distorted, twisted, and full of cold-blooded chaos.

Is it a pathetic weirdo in taboo studies?

Is it an evil creature from heaven?

or is it a part of Earth, but humans deliberately forgot about it after being the leaders of this planet?

In any case, strange products that can only survive in the fields of art and literature appeared before them alive. they exist, and they are more terrifying and chaotic than explained or imagined.

they emerged from the remains of the collapsed building. Some were engulfed in flames, while others were unable to avoid the flames. they emerged from the smoke and death, bringing death and blood to the city.

within a moment, humanoid monsters and wild animal-like winged creatures attacked the city. they were violent, powerful, and very hungry, devouring the people of the city and chewing up and destroying everything in the city.

of course, if the collapsed building had disturbed the devil, it would not have caused a momentary panic. the frightening thing is that the people living in Suizhu city suddenly realized that the people around them were hearing the sounds from deep underground. After howling in sorrow, their bodies, hearts, and souls seemed to resonate with him. their bodies reacted to their blood instincts, their minds collapsed into madness, their souls rotted away, and they were no longer human.

Some people have turned into monsters!

Screams, explosions, and noise engulf this once thriving isolated city. death, blood, and fear have created a unique carnival in this city, and the people of the city have fallen into despair.

Until an unidentified force dressed in black appears in the city. they subdued a group of murderous animals with very effective and skillful action. they were more elegant than sergeants pouring ammunition and senseless firing, and more elegant than scattered civilian organizations. please be more organized.

the survivors of the city who witnessed all this in the presence of well-trained members of the organization, who are supposedly well accustomed to such things, are shocked and gradually e to believe in the catastrophic reality of the world. became.

monsters exist, and there are human armies that secretly deal with them. these \legends\ that are spread on the Internet and in gossip are not pletely false.

the earthquake lasted ten minutes, and the men in black spent the entire night trying to subdue and eliminate the monster.

when night fades and light returns and a new sun shines on this desolate land, no one in this city takes any joy in surviving. because only after experiencing this terrible night can you understand what they will face after living. what is that.

Are you facing separation from family and friends?

Is it sadness and anger from a loss at home?

All of these things, but the most important thing is how you gather your broken courage to face the real world.

\well, there's a survivor here!\ A mysterious detective who was helping with search and rescue in the city found vital signs under the ruins and couldn't help but scream.

hearing this, people nearby who were busy with rescue operations rushed to the rescue.

After the rubble and stone slabs were removed, the scene that unfolded in front of everyone was not one that would make people cry with joy. they saw a naked man and woman, back to back, lying with their heads down under the ruins. they were hacked. their tongues and eyes were missing, and their open sternums had been deformed into large skeletons that served as moving legs. their hearts beat wildly in their chest spaces. they were yelling at people who were living in a very bad way and were living in fear.

“he is… captain Li, detective qiao Jingyi…” the mysterious detective saw the identities of the two gradually melting and distorting from their faces. his eyes were filled with sadness, anger, and fear as he shouted, \Go to hell!\ the temple is upside down! ”

with the help of other mysterious detectives who arrive, xie Jian and qiao Jing, transformed into distorted alien forms, are killed and burned on the spot.

For the next month, the entire city of Suizhu was filled with corpses and the lingering scent of tar.

prosperous cities were burned down, and great changes spread from them to the rest of the world.

the people who lived in this country also spread to other cities. they had to continue living with their dead souls and broken hearts in another city, which was classified as a no-go zone.

hidden truths are revealed one by one, and forces hidden in the darkness e to the surface to protect the light and real peace of thousands of families. they took the initiative to go out into the world and tell people the terrible truth.

\...I once thought that one day I would be unable to hide the truth, but I never thought that day would e so soon.\ the leader of the occult team stands under a spotlight that will be broadcast live to the entire world. there was no anxiety or sadness in his expression, and his expression was calm, as if he were simply talking about his responsibilities and work. describe the mysterious group and each difficult mission they organize.

Everything he said was not true as in the novel, but no one stood up and tried to deny it. this is because the truth about what happened in Suizhu city had already been spread to the public through major media outlets. Everyone All witnessed the horrific events of that night.

``team leader wei chengye, what is your next move?'' After a period of silence, media personnel finally asked him the first question.

wei chengye looked at the cameras of media personnel and spoke quietly with the most serious and sincere expression: \the human world is under extremely dangerous threats, and the survival situation of humanity is facing unprecedented difficulties. From this moment on, our secret group of mysterious people appears, as well as like-minded people who join us to fight and stop normal events in order to save this very dangerous human world. we wele organizations with we must...”

the public press conference that wei chengye held for the entire world marked a turning point in this era from a \hypocritical\ peace era to a \true\ normal era. humanity has ignored and avoided the abnormalities that exist in this world. Actively discovering and exploring them from everywhere and trying to overe fear and attack them is an unimaginable change in human history.

the world has undergone unimaginable changes due to the existence of an abnormality. whether it's changes in human social systems, changes in people's lives, or changes in humans themselves, everyone is in the midst of this torrent of upheaval. No one can take care of themselves...

two years have passed in the blink of an eye.

Sitting on a bench in the backyard of the Rokka port mental Sanatorium, the smooth, round head was always hunched over, staring at the sky at an ugly 45-degree angle. he had a cigarette in his mouth, but did not light it. Until the cigarette bees unusable due to saliva and teeth, he tears up the butt, throws it in the trash, takes a new cigarette from the cigarette box, and the cycle begins again.

\captain It,\ a brave woman in a black windbreaker called out from behind him.

hearing the sound, he Jian turned his head slightly and saw a woman walking towards him, and with a smile he called her name. “captain Yu Lianyun, why do you have time to see me again?”

Even after two years have passed, there is no trace of time left in Yu Lianyun's appearance. he looks younger, but his eyes are sharper. he smiled, put his hands in his pockets, sat down next to he Jia'an, and said, \I'm here on a mission, and I just stopped by to see you.\

while saying this, Yu Lianyun took out a new pack of cigarettes from his pocket. Even a non-smoker could tell from the elaborate packaging and the words \Special offer\ on the label that this pack of cigarettes was extraordinary. . As much as his life.

Jia'an Li's eyes lit up and said in surprise, \damn, xiaoyu, you can do it. where did you get it? For me?\

\I got it from a friend. I knew you liked it, so I kept it for you. I happened to have time to meet you, so I brought it for you.\ Yu Lianyun said with a smile.

Li Jian'an suddenly laughed and picked up the cigarette, sniffing the plastic packaging with baby-like eyes and staring at him, as if she had smelled the inside.

\damn, but it's a bit of a waste to give it to me,\ Li Jian'an said, licking his lips and holding the new cigarette close to his body in his pocket.

Yu Lianyun smiled and nodded, then looked at the pavilion not far away and asked, \how is your recovery going these days?\

\It's the same as before,\ Li Jian'an said in his usual tone, seemingly casually, while chewing on his cigarette holder.

“Are you still hallucinating and seeing?”

\Rather than say it's an illusion...it's more appropriate to say it's a visual sharing with a big man...\ he Jia'an scratched her sweaty bald head and said in a relaxed tone, the fear in her eyes I tried to hide it. he shook his head and said, ``After reading this book, my brain underwent irreversible physiological changes. the scene may appear like a hallucination.\

hearing this, Urian Yun felt a little unfortable and forted him, saying, ``I'm glad you're alive.Anyway, there's no need to fight between life and death.''

Indeed, we still receive a significant monthly subsidy. Li Jian smiled and asked, \You haven't found the book of Sand yet?\

A mysterious disappearance has been confirmed. Yu Lianyun nodded and replied, \I've been tracking him for the past two years, but unfortunately I haven't heard from him again.\

“where is the nun?”

\Not found yet.\

\well, maybe he took it away.\

\It's better to do that than to let it fall into other people's hands.\

Li Jian'an laughed and immediately asked about Yu Lianyun's past situation. \what about now?\

“None of the jobs I have are difficult.” Yu Lianyun rubbed the center of her eyebrows and sighed, “this time, the target is college students…”

A light rain fell on the streets of the magic city...

A beautiful woman in a chinese dress walked down an alleyway that existed centuries ago, her body swaying like raindrops on a tree, trying not to run away, but seducing and playing with her.

behind him, a handsome-looking man walked at his speed, opening a black umbrella to protect him from the wind and rain.

A woman in a chinese dress was still there as she passed through the rainy alley. he heard a faint scream, walked slowly to the cardboard box next to the trash can, pointed his jade finger, and gently opened the pink cloth that smelled sour.

Seeing the civet cat lying in the box with its teeth stuck in its heart, the woman in the cheongsam suddenly raised her beautiful red lips and said with a smile:

“I just ate it yesterday, mr. Zhao,” the man holding the umbrella said weakly.

mr. Zhao laughed quietly and gently stroked the dead cat's face with his fingers. \In today's world, pets aren't their real owners? owners are hungry and open their mouths to eat, so why not put some food in their mouths?\ my mouth? \
