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第29章 转折点 (第1/2页)

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维克多·特内布里斯(Victor tenebris)感觉到自己即将失败,采取了越来越绝望的措施。





















在1924年的历史编年史中,伊夫林·卡特博士的非凡一生中展开了重要的篇章,伊夫林·卡特博士是一位受人尊敬的考古学家和神秘学学者。在低语护身符的启示之后,她踏上了前往神秘的尤戈特王国的危险旅程。本章揭示了她和她信任的向导杰克逊·里德(Jackson Reed)深入这个精灵王国的噩梦般的景观时发生的事件。








在 1924 年的历史记载中,编年史随着伊芙琳·卡特博士和她信任的向导杰克逊·里德在神秘的尤哥特王国的持续旅程展开。本章揭示了他们深入研究噩梦般的景观时发生的事件,向被称为夜行者的神秘生物寻求帮助。







随着编年史的这一章接近尾声,凡人与影子之间的契约依然稳固。卡特博士和杰克逊·里德在夜行者神秘智慧的指导下继续探索这座古城。随着他们越来越接近揭开布莱克伍德教授计划背后的真相和尤戈特的最终命运,悬念越来越多。这个阶段已经为一个启示设置了,它将考验他们的决心的极限以及凡人与无法理解的精灵力量之间的脆弱平衡。第4章 疯狂的深渊

在 1924 年的历史编年史中,编年史继续伊芙琳·卡特博士和她坚定的向导杰克逊·里德穿越尤哥特危险的王国的悲惨旅程。本章揭示了他们下降到尤哥特海洋的黑暗深处时发生的事件,在那里他们遇到了被称为深渊的险恶水生生物。





drake would despise the fishmen even though they had stronger bodies and longer lifespans than humans. Although he didn't like humans as a species, he was used to being human. , emotions assert individual will. If he bees a fishman, he will lose everything, bee an ugly monster who only knows how to serve the fishman king, and lose his own soul. this will make him feel disgusted and unfortable.

to tell the story accurately, drake changed his name after ing of age and returning to the coast. he lives in a magical city that is also a port city. he applied for a new identity on the black market and interacted with the inhabitants of the magical city. there, he later used the special skills he learned in hawaii to successfully land a job as a bartender at the Good Luck bar.

he has a great learning ability and is often in and out of bars, so he jumps into the master bartending crystal to learn more detailed bartending techniques. Soon he became a gold medal bartender. he is nothing but a master who taught him how to bartend.

during the two months he lived here, something strange happened and he woke up with the blood of a foreign god flowing through his body. he noticed that his perspective on the world had changed and that all aspects of his perceptual abilities had improved. Kaizen, simply put, is an increase in inspiration. he gradually realizes that an unknown anomalous factor lurks in this bustling modern metropolis.

For example, the two men and women in front of him at that moment seemed like a reputable couple, but in fact, when derek first saw them, xin Junmao was still eating a live cat abuser. I did. miss mr. Zhao. he was on guard, but was shocked by the horrific sight he saw at that moment.

when duo xin Junmao and ms Zhao met drake for the first time, there was a tense atmosphere between them, but in the end they did not fight with each other. the reason is that mr. Zhao said that he smelled the curse breath and the scent of his friend from drake. the taste was familiar to drake.

And drake quickly remembered that two of them were actually strange people that Re-Novi met in the \real but hopeless world\ of the story of the inheritance.

drake was doubly surprised. because if Lee Noway and drake really met in this world, is the story left behind by Lee Noway true, a lie, or not a lie at all?

or is the world they live in also a fake?

Unable to fall into a loop of terrible questions any longer, drake asks xin Junmao if he has ever met a young man named \Li Nuowei\ in the \realistic but hopeless world\, and asks xin Junmao if he has ever met a young man named \Li Nuowei\. Junmao affirmed after receiving the answer. , drake finally realizes that the wall between the world of stories and the real world is more fragile than he imagined, and that the two worlds actually intersect.

xin Junmao finds out that the handsome man in front of him is actually related to a friend he met before, and immediately asks drake about his whereabouts.

After listening to drake's explanation, xin Junmao couldn't help but let out a sigh of regret. people always feel sad when they suddenly lose a friend.

Since then, drake has e to know a strange pair: xin Junmao and miss qiao. xin Junmao and miss chao often came to the bar where drake worked for drinks.

three ``people'' who are not people in the strict sense of the word often get together like they did tonight and discuss various things.

of course, when they actually get together, their mon goal is revenge.

they discovered that the men who had brought them to their current situation had all e together by tracing their origins.

``house of cards,'' ``Sanctuary Upside down,'' ``Kosa School of truth''... all of these are actually related to an unknown organization, and this organization was never founded by humans!

Summary at the end of volume 4

At the end of the book, it's time for a summary. First of all, I would like to talk about what I felt during this period.

I'm very tired, I'm always tired.

Lately, it's the end of the year, so I have a lot of official duties, and I have a lot of things to do and goals, so I've been so busy that it's been a little suffocating, and it's also affecting my writing status. please take a look, the stories in this volume are sometimes riddled with grammatical errors and typos. If you make a mistake, there is no way to correct it in time and no way to account for each word. . repeating the text over and over again, reducing the overall quality of the update.

therefore, all I can say is that I am very disappointed that I do not have a good impression of this volume.

I may not be able to revise the story in this volume until I have a lot of free time. I'll send you a notification once the review is plete, so if you're interested, e back and read it.

As you can see from the title of this volume, \the call,\ the story in this volume is based on the famous cthulhu story \the call of cthulhu,\ but it actually also involves the cthulhu story, which relatively few people have read. masu. dagon.”

the archetypal god of Ankai is dagon. dagon is also the leader of each depth, and is also known as the \King of the deeps.\ murlock is equivalent to a deep-sea diver, so another name for the god Anhai is also called \King of the Fishmen.\

the city of Rukako, which is the map for this story, is actually not a fully built city. this city was created by connecting Elephant mountain and Kashima, but what is this isolated island full of fish? I think it's anyone's guess where the prototype is.

the main points of view in this story are drake and Lee Noway. drake's name es from the game \Uncharted\ (lol), and Lee Noway is the main character of a novel I previously wrote but never published. It was easy to use.

there aren't many counter animals in this series. In addition to fishmen and Ankaijin, there are also sea monsters.

the prototype of the sea monster is the hydra, the mother of the deep-sea creatures (this is the ancient ruler), but the main body of the sea monster, the image of the world of flesh and blood, is the hydra, which is a thousand moons. (this is an external god, not an old god, but a creature).

Sea monsters live in a world of blood and flesh. the name of the sea monster does not appear in the main story, but I will mention it here. A sea monster known as the \thousand Fantasy moon\ in the human world. the structure of the living world seen from the inner world of \Silent hill.\ this world has some laws that are contrary to the real world. Living things in the real world are dead or non-existent in the physical world, but they give life. the \dead things\ in this world are living things such as dolls, dolls, and statues.

As a way to enter the world of the living, I played with the red and blue seeds from the matrix.

No new monsters from the touhou mystery series will appear this time. It only has the ability of \reincarnation.\ this ability is officially called \Narrator.\ those with this ability can activate it in any form that meets the requirements of \munication\. An ability similar to a seal that draws you in by \listening\ to the world of stories.

this functionality is actually very similar to the source code system, except the switch is in the user's hands.

I'm planning on keeping the quality of the story in the next volume. the quantity does not have to be large, but the quality must be maintained.

the story in the next volume is \the body\, so I hope you will publish bLood (p.S.: this is a bit strange to say, isn't it?)

136 scary incidents that occurred at amusement parks

Uncle wang, a cleaning worker who cleans JoJo's amusement park every day, is sweeping up rare fallen leaves that have fallen on the road under the scorching sun. Sometimes I would stop and wipe my sweat, sometimes I would stop and hold my waist. when he gets tired, he hides in a closed hot dog stand. Enjoy the coolness below.

his dark, old face was wrinkled by two slit eyes. Uncle wang was drinking water and was lost in thought, wondering how many more days he would be able to work here at this rate.

before he turned 18, he left the countryside to work in a big city to earn money. In the early days, he was still able to work in a factory as an assembly line worker. the money he saved was used to marry his wife and send his children to school. Now that he's older, it's not easy, but he was able to find a job cleaning floors and earn money to support his family. he couldn't imagine what else he could find to make a living in the future if he lost this job.

Seeing that the once-bustling amusement park street was now deserted, he was stunned for a long time, and he was the only one who took a breath. As he laments this evil world, a horrific incident that occurred at an amusement park three days ago flashes through his mind.

If it weren't for that, there's no way the biggest amusement park in the entire magic city would be empty during this summer's peak entertainment season.

that day was similar to today, the sun was burning, there were too many tourists at that time, and Uncle wang's diligent ears could hear what the people around him were saying: laughter, shouting, noise... yes. , especially what people around you say, even if they speak at normal volume, you may not be able to hear clearly even from half a meter away.

he has gotten used to life with hearing loss, and his family has encouraged him to buy hearing aids, but he considers them expensive and delicate. he feels that he is an uneducated and rough man. If he accidentally breaks it, you can hand over the money without any heartbreak.

because of this, Uncle wang could not immediately notice the changes in the amusement park that day. Even though at that moment people were screaming, running and screaming hysterically, he did not notice it right away. he's just acting like he always does. cleaning work is done in the dark.

It was only when he quietly lowered his head to sweep the floor that he realized what he was doing when he noticed a freshly dead man lying on the floor with blood and several holes in his body. I slowly understood.

then he wasn't scared right away. It was a place like an amusement park after all, and it was a very scary ride. \cosplay\ by young people is mon and not unmon here.

Until, under the brim of the sanitation worker's pointy hat, he finds a bloody white sneaker and a sharp knife dripping blood from his neck. when I looked up, I saw a man with bloody, dull eyes. Standing in front of him, feeling the increasingly strong smell of blood and the temperature around him gradually dropping, he was finally startled and realized that something was wrong.

A man suddenly goes crazy at an amusement park and suddenly gets a sharp knife out of nowhere. he was shirtless and had the main theme, an \inverted pentagram\, engraved on his forehead. he attacked everyone with a knife. Stitch, he kills just by looking at him, he pletely ignores men and women of all ages, he is extremely cruel, he kills while muttering something.

Now, when this crazy man saw him, Uncle wang felt that he was about to suffocate at this moment. he trembled and tried to run, but his legs were shaking like straw, heavier than lead, and it was difficult for him to walk.

Fortunately, law enforcement officers arrived on time. Suddenly, several gunshots rang out. he was so frightened that he crouched down on the spot, holding his head and closing his eyes. he just felt a fan blowing and then heard the sound of a heavy metal object falling to the ground. sound

I don't know if it was because they were too excited. his heart beats faster and blood flows faster. Uncle wang felt that his weak hearing had recovered in a short period of time.

After hearing the police's voice, \Kill me,\ I opened my eyes in fear and curiosity and saw a madman lying in front of me with his eyes wide open.

they shot the crazy man several times and blood spurted from the bullet holes in his body. he was shaking like a bleeding chicken. he will die, just like the innocent people he stabbed in the street.

Uncle wang heard the dead man whispering. ``It's your turn...the mission is in your hands...'' with that, the man took his last breath.

Uncle wang didn't know if he heard it wrong or if it was a hallucination caused by excessive fear.

At that moment, he didn't have much time to think, only the chance to escape.

From that day on, amusement parks were said to be dirty in the outside world, and after that, various bad names were raised one after another. there are fewer and fewer tourists ing to the amusement park. Law enforcement officers and people in black clothes who used to e to the amusement park to investigate stopped ing. .

without tourism, there is no ine. without ine, how can businesses pay child support and pay employees?

Uncle wang had already heard the news of layoffs and layoffs within the pany. people like him who don't need to be included should also be included...

Uncle wang sighed, rubbed his cold feet, and looked at the accident scene. I could still see the image of a madman muttering, ``Leave it to me!'' I couldn't stop shaking and felt a sharp pain in my ankle.

Uncle wang rolled up his pants, looked at his left leg, took off his socks, and looked at his stung ankle. there were red marks on his ankles that looked like burns.

``why is it getting redder and redder?'' Uncle wang gritted his teeth in pain. he experienced a lot of suffering in his life, but that didn't mean he wasn't afraid of pain. on the contrary, he was so sensitive to pain that he had never felt pain when he was sick in his life. take a bold shot and go under the knife once.

Ever since the day the madman killed someone, Uncle wang had felt something strange in his ankle. At first, the pain was just disfort due to the heat, but the pain worsened day by day until it became unbearable. he felt as if someone had taken a gun from him. It felt like I had burned my ankle with a hot iron.

he took a pot from his side, took off his shoes and socks, and poured boiling water on his ankles.

As soon as the cold water was drained, the pain increased instead of decreasing. A searing pain is transmitted directly to the body, causing blood to flow under the skin. his eyes widened in pain. he wanted to scream, but all he could manage was a hoarse cry.

Uncle wang burst into tears in pain and immediately grabbed his left leg and hit his ankle hard. the original red part is wrinkled and raised, as if it was really burnt with a soldering iron. .

Afterwards, Uncle wang was surprised to see new burn marks. because it was exactly the same pattern that the madman had carved on his forehead.

137 reporters (two in one)

Uncle wang stared at the special symbol on his ankle, his eyes dull and his heart already full of confusion. he couldn't believe it was real. the liver was like a brain-boring fleshworm that entered his entire body and entered the brains of those who ate him. against his fragile health.

\It's your turn...I leave the mission to you...\ the words of the mad man rang in Uncle wang's ears. Even after a long time, he could not help but recite them, as if the devil's whispers were still tempting him. Look at him.

\hello, uncle!

“more than anything, Uncle wang felt ringing in his ears, and a loud, clear female voice rang loudly in his ears.

Like a stupid thief who has been caught, Uncle wang guiltily opens his eyes, looks around, and finally notices a young girl squatting next to him.

She appears to be in her mid-twenties, with a fair face and white skin, and is refreshing and beautiful. She is wearing a white t-shirt and shorts that cover her waist, and is carrying a red leather mini backpack. She has a childlike sexual charm.

Seeing that the distraught Uncle wang finally came to his senses, the girl was relieved and said with a smile: ``Uncle, I'm a reporter for the magic city weekly Express. my name is chen xiaolin. would you be available? Yes, it's possible.'' Give me a few interviews. \problem? \

Uncle wang wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, “Reporter?”

“please call me Arlene, uncle.” chen xiaolin smiled brightly. her lively and cheerful smile was so impressive that Uncle wang couldn't help but let his guard down.

\what kind of newspaper is magic city weekly Express? why haven't you heard of such a newspaper?\ Uncle wang asked curiously.

chen xiaolin explained with a smile: \does anyone still read paper newspapers? Everyone reads news on their phones or puters. magic city weekly Express is a new online media column. I mainly write to the public. I am responsible.”

“Ah…I know the official account,” Uncle wang nodded. In fact, although he did not clearly hear what chen xiaolin said, he still guessed the meaning of chen xiaolin's explanation from the parts that he heard clearly.

\don't worry, I just want to ask you something. I'm not going to take pictures or reveal your identity.\ chen xiaolin was worried that Uncle wang would be worried, so she added: .

Uncle wang was obviously not too worried. he was just scared and couldn't calm down for a while. Now, his mood is finally calm. he smiled and said, \So, what do you want to ask?\

when she looked at chen xiaolin in front of her, she seemed to see a daughter in college. he was almost the same age as her and had a similar personality, so when he saw chen xiaolin, he felt a little warm.

chen xiaolin's purpose could be guessed, he probably knew what the other party wanted to ask, and his actions would satisfy the agreement, but he wanted to tell this girl what the other party wanted to know as kindly as possible.

As expected, chen xiaolin also directly asked about the recent horrific murder, and asked in a low voice, \there was a murder at the amusement park three days ago, right? did you know?\

“of course I know,” Uncle wang said with a wry smile. he was a witness to the incident and the only survivor of the madman's targets.

Seeing the change in Uncle wang's expression, chen xiaolin secretly became happy and immediately asked, \can you explain what happened at that moment?\

“okay…” Uncle wang saw chen xiaolin pick up a tablet puter and an electronic pen in one hand, and looked at him expectantly. he sat up straight, cleared his throat, and then drew on the literary skills he'd learned throughout his life. he started narrating what happened that day. ``that day, Amt was cleaning as usual, and the surrounding area was very noisy.however, this was an amusement park, so it was very popular, and my hearing was not very good, so what happened at that time? I wasn't really paying attention to what was going on. cleaning...\

chen xiaolin listened to Uncle wang's brief explanation, carefully took notes, and sometimes nodded to give Uncle wang encouraging answers.

Uncle wang felt that there was nothing wrong with his explanation, and continued confidently. \I kept scanning until I saw the body, and then I saw the murderer standing in front of me with a knife. this madman.\

when the other person said this, chen xiaolin immediately switched the tablet screen and opened the photo. the photo was taken in a dimly lit bar. A middle-aged man with a haggard face raised a glass to the camera and gave a reluctant smile. and.

chen xiaolin pointed to the man in the photo, had a strange expression on his face, his eyes showing a sense of urgency and concern, and asked, \Is that the man with the knife?\

when Uncle wang saw the man in the photo in front of him, he immediately became frightened and gasped. he became a little excited, as if he saw the madman standing in front of him again with a knife, pointing at the man upstairs and saying: \Yes, it's him. he was standing in front of me with a knife. he tried to kill me.\

“Are you sure?” Regarding this answer, chen xiaolin looked very incredulous and irritated. his eyes darkened and he asked again.

\that's true. It's been appearing every night in my nightmares lately.\ Uncle wang nodded affirmatively.

After hearing this answer, chen xiaolin couldn't help but stroke his forehead, feeling a little sad. he seemed very surprised, didn't understand the oute, and was sad.

Uncle wang also had his own life experiences. In this regard, chen xiaolin's attitude as a reporter turned out to be a little wrong. he guessed, \Is that someone you know?\

chen xiaolin raised the corners of her mouth and nodded slowly, saying, \I really didn't expect him to do that. when I first saw the news, I felt like I was in a nightmare.\

Uncle wang sighed, “Is he your boyfriend?”

“No, but he is a very good friend of mine.” chen xiaolin nodded. After confirming that the perpetrator of the gruesome murder that occurred at the amusement park was someone he knew, his attitude was naturally very plicated. when I thought about the situation of the murderer's family, both he and I felt even sadder and sadder.

when chen xiaolin became sad, Uncle wang, who was quietly forting chen xiaolin, noticed another change in the other person's face. the other person seemed to suddenly remember something terrible, and a look of fear appeared on his face for a moment.

chen xiaolin took a few deep breaths, looked at Uncle wang, and asked with shining eyes: \Uncle, you are the last person who had contact with him when he was alive. did you find anything unusual? For example. . . . Is there something unusual? Is it normal factors?”

when Uncle wang heard this, he jumped to the ground like a cat holding its tail. then he shook his pant leg and quickly shook his head and said, \I don't know...I just saw him captured.\ beat me to death and I'll be saved. If there are no other problems, go, go. ”

Uncle wang stood up, packed up his things, bowed his head, and quickly left.

Seeing this scene, chen xiaolin couldn't guess what Uncle wang was hiding. the other party must have inside information that the other party did not know. he hurried after him, \Uncle, you must know something, please tell me.\

Uncle wang avoided chen xiaolin, who was asking a question next to him. Guilt and fear continued to grow in my heart. he was afraid that others would find out that he was associated with a madman.

he is a normal person and not like this crazy person. Now, his body has the same birthmarks as this madman, but that doesn't mean he will turn into a madman who kills everyone he sees. he does not want to undertake any mission.

the more chen xiaolin approached, the more Uncle wang resisted and became irritated.

In the end, Uncle wang's patience was exhausted by chen xiaolin, who continued to harass him. he screamed loudly, his voice angry, his eyes bloodshot, his angry, ferocious face like a ghost. chen xiaolin was so scared that she took a few steps back. I dare not say anything more.

when Uncle wang saw that chen xiaolin was afraid of him, his anger gradually subsided. he sighed and turned away. when he turned away, his eyes were full of apologies and loneliness.

I really didn't want to do this, but I was so scared. he never imagined that these unnatural events that bring death and despair would one day involve him.

Uncle wang thought to himself, what if he was influenced by some unknown factor that day and became even more insane? he didn't want an innocent girl like chen xiaolin to die under the butcher knife. under……

Looking at Uncle wang's face as he left, chen xiaolin's frightened mood gradually calmed down. he pouted and stomped his foot, saying, \what are you doing? why are you yelling? If you don't mean it, you don't mean it.\

After saying that, chen xiaolin thought about the fool again. he still couldn't understand how his best friend Zheng Yu could do such an unethical thing. there was no warning and it was very mysterious. Apparently, they have only met once, half a month ago, drinking together at the Good day bar, chatting freely, talking about each other's life experiences and spouting their thoughts.

of course, chen xiaolin didn't think that just having a drink and talking once in a while could pletely relieve stress, but it might at least relieve some pressure. Furthermore, I have the impression that Zheng Yu was a very responsible father. , there is no way he would leave his beloved maiden alone and take desperate actions to take revenge on society and anger people and gods.
