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微看书 > 克苏鲁地方志 > 第33章 过去的回声

第33章 过去的回声 (第1/2页)

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穿过Nyx'terra迷宫般的走廊后,布莱克伍德博士和她的团队发现自己站在Eldritch Nexus的门槛上。










164 souls

when everything calmed down and the cautious Yu Lianyun \lazy\ told everyone they could stand up, everyone was mentally prepared, but they were still frightened by the chaos in front of them. I did.

A hole 9 meters in diameter appeared in the dilapidated interrogation room. the bottom of the hole was about 5 meters above the ground. one could say that wang Zijing's twisted and deformed body had long since disappeared, or that he had been inexplicably killed within a short time. It was torn to pieces, splattering in a shocking cloud of blood that slowly settled in the broken interrogation room.

All rooms connected to the interrogation room were destroyed, and a series of cracks extended around them. black slime spread all around, and a gray kitten spat at people. the smell and smell of blood became more and more pronounced.

\Ahem\ when a person carelessly inhales the air containing the particles of tsurugi, his face suddenly turns purple-black, and a flush spreads throughout his entire body. his eyes suddenly swelled, animal lust filled them, and holes appeared in the people around him. wipe your entire body.

Yu Lianyun witnessed people who had accidentally ingested contaminated air and were contaminated with black mucus exhibiting very obvious abnormalities. his heart raced and he immediately manded him to \hold his breath and get out.\

Everyone retreated, and only a few people affected by the unknown managed to maintain some sanity, chasing everyone as they fled the room, while the rest seemed to have been turned into bloodless animals. my body has changed. there is some degree of expansion and deformation.

Seeing this scene, Yu Lianyun couldn't understand what had just happened, and immediately grabbed Li duojin's right hand and ran out.

the moment she held the other person's hand, Yu Lianyun was shocked to find that Li duojin's body temperature was very low and her body was still very hard. he couldn't help but turn around and was frightened by the sight of Li duanen.

Li tajin's mouth was wide open, his eyes were white and bright, his nose was pletely cut off, and blood could be seen gushing out from the wound.

Lee do Jin dies...

the panic riot that suddenly engulfed Slaanesh was over after half an hour. those who accidentally pulled out spores released by the Upside-down creator, or whose skin accidentally absorbed an unknown black slime that animals readily absorbed, were nearly torn off. he brought it up. Fortunately, his life was not in danger.

the mysterious detectives, who had survived, were immersed in the fear of the unknown. perhaps none of them had ever caught a glimpse of the Reverse creator's appearance, but at that moment they all knew that the terrifying presence of extradimensional space was indeed ing soon. .

there was obviously no ritual, but an arrogant perfectionist who was hostile to the creator decided to e suddenly without any warning. he also exhibited strange anger and was very destructive.

\what's wrong?\ Some mysterious detectives who noticed Li dajin's usual behavior before the incident couldn't help but stare at Li dajin, who was rescued and sent to the ambulance. captain Yu Lianyun was also left behind in the ambulance and received instructions and guidance from a mysterious Level A detective at the scene.

After efforts to save him, Li duanen was finally admitted to the IcU. his vital signs are currently stable. the doctor said that if I could survive the evening, I would be fine.

No one knows what Li duanen went through during those two minutes, but anyone who saw his miserable condition would imagine what a hellish scene it was.

Yu Lianyun stood outside the IcU ward and looked through the small glass window in the ward's door at Li duojin lying in bed. Sighing inwardly, he lowered his head and opened his right hand to hold the wound that split him in two. dry straw.

“Is it from Limboss?” Yu Lianyun guessed in her heart, “If he doesn’t exist, then he might be dead.”

Sighing, I remembered what had just happened in the ambulance in my head.

Li duojin, who was close to death and whose heartbeat stopped many times, suddenly woke up after a while and said a few words to him.

\woman...red rose...you have to be careful.\

\house on the Sand...\

\Rat! Insect... It makes no sense...\



After standing in the cold hallway of the hospital for a while, carefully thinking about what Li duojin meant, Yu Lianyun scratched the mark on his face, suddenly thought of something, and quickly turned around.

chen xiaolin woke up at 3:13:26 in the morning. he felt a splitting pain in his head and his brain became confused. he wasn't woken up by a nightmare or disturbed by outside forces. he just felt an urgent call in his subconscious. he asked me to get up, and he did.

the first thing I did when I woke up was look for my phone. when I took my phone out of my bag, I realized that my smartphone, which had been on standby all day and night, was still unable to sustain the battery drain. the battery is exhausted. I had no choice but to hurry. charging cable.

when her phone restarted, chen xiaolin was shocked to find that she had received many calls while she was sleeping. most of them were from Li duojin, but the last two were from Yu Lianyun.

Yu Lianyun's last phone call was forwarded to messages and went to voicemail.

chen xiaolin secretly felt that something bad might happen, so she hurriedly clicked on the voice and listened. when he learned that Li duanen was seriously injured and in critical condition and admitted to the IcU, he immediately took out his spare mobile phone, an old one. Although push-button phones are older models, their standby time is several dozen times longer than that of smartphones.

After exchanging the phone card, he went outside again without stopping and called Yu Lianyun while going down.

Yu Lianyun immediately answered the phone.

“what happened in my absence?” chen xiaolin asked impatiently.

\when he met the Upside down creator of all dimensions, he was very angry because Li duashen took the initiative to take away prince Jing's soul.\

chen xiaolin was surprised by Yu Lianyun's words. this simple sentence, which contains so much information, made chen xiaolin think a lot.

before chen xiaolin could recover from her confused thoughts, Yu Lianyun continued to explain why Li duaren had done this: ``there is some important information in mr. prince Jing's memory. I was unable to catch up before my body could no longer support me again.''the most important information was revealed during the previous interrogation, and Li dajin probably did not want to see any more people killed, so he was unable to catch up.'' I had to take action at that moment. Fortunately, it was worth the effort. ”

when chen xiaolin heard this, he immediately said, \I also found some clues here.\

“don’t rush to say it, I’m here…” As Yu Lianyun was speaking, a black car stopped in front of chen xiaolin.

the car window was rolled down, and Yu Lianyun quietly said to chen xiaolin, \Get in the car.\

china 165 three-legged golden frog?

chen xiaolin talks about finding Good Luck Liver in her car. he strongly believed that the background behind Good Luck Liver must be an integral part of the strange happenings in this magical city.

After hearing about chen xiaolin's discovery, Yu Lianyun first showed a surprised expression, thought for a while, then suddenly realized it and said excitedly to himself. Yes, I should have thought about it a long time ago, but why... forget it, it doesn't matter anymore, we are more likely to take them all the way. ”

\who are you talking about?\ chen xiaolin couldn't help but wonder when Yu Lianyun looked just like the one she saw in truth.

Yu Lianyun looked at the other person and explained, “do you remember the organization I talked about before?”

\Remember, I mentioned house of cards earlier, it was once a great consortium, but now it's just a regular organization where everyone wants a fight. Good Luck es bar. do you think house of cards is behind it?” chen xiaolin nodded and asked doubtfully. \No, yes, as far as I know, Good Luck bar's background is mysterious, but it shouldn't have much to do with house of cards.\

Yu Lianyun nodded and said, \No, I know that the background behind Good Luck bar is not the palace on the Sand, but paradise, china's huge catering service industry.\

\paradise? house of cards...wait a minute, these two consortiums are called the three-legged Golden toad in china, along with another large chinese consortium, Lihua\. Is it? no! when did you look into it? Goodluck came to the bar?!” chen xiaolin was shocked. he never told anyone about this strangeness.

\two years ago.\ Yu Lianyun's face sank, and the mountains of corpses and seas of blood that he had experienced in cuizhu city flashed in his mind. Feelings of fear and despair still hang over his head like a guillotine. when he remembered again, when he woke up, he felt the danger of his life again, and the despair of involuntary life and death ate away at his whole body, \After the name of cuizhu city disappeared from the map,\ Shenzhou that night, our secret team began an investigation into the consortium involved in this matter, and house of cards investigated.

After the abnormal incident handling and countermeasure organization came to light and the ugly \house of cards\ was exposed, almost all business partners who cooperated with \house of cards\ were immediately expelled. , our undercover team never left the investigation. do you know who was part of a successful consortium of panies at the time of chance?”


\Yes.\ Yu Lianyun nodded. \when house of cards was not published in conjunction with regular events, the industry was primarily related to real estate and rail transport manufacturing. of course, those involved in real estate were necessarily involved in the catering services industry. ” the cooperation of the two giants “house of cards” and “paradise” amounts to a strong alliance, and in the eyes of the public this is not surprising.

however, there are still some ``houses on the Sand'' that have slipped through the cracks, so a special investigation is also being conducted against the paradise Group in order to prevent new ``houses on the Sand'' from appearing in china. however, the paradise Group at the time had little influence and revealed itself in the smallest details, so in addition to its dealings with an anomalous organization called the house of cards, it also had to deal with other anomalous elements. we could not have known that we were colluding. . Now that I think about it, the question alone is the most important. ”

chen xiaolin’s heart raced. hearing the news, the well-informed reporter became excited. “If this is true, then two of the three-legged golden frogs in china are bent, but could this be the third leg...can we also guarantee that it is not bent? ?”

“haha, of course not,” Yu Lianyun sneered.

A woman, an evening dress, a red rose...these details always look the same when put together. After all, this information is so mon that any woman can bee a suspect. however, I suddenly wondered if such a woman had appeared in oji Shizuka's memories. but it feels very reasonable.

Evening dresses are generally worn on special occasions, and ojijing's family is not very good at it. She had never been to a dinner party or an expensive place, let alone a banquet where she would wear an evening dress, but she had seen an evening dress. .

In other words, the woman in the evening dress may not have been the woman wang Zijing saw on such a special occasion, but he did meet her on a very ordinary occasion.

So what is it like to be a strange woman who wears an evening dress all day?

then I remembered what mr. Li duojin said about the \red rose\ and immediately remembered mr. Song Lu, the head of Rehua Group, who is known as a generation of strong women. then it turned out that this woman did not have a normal photo. She only wears clothes when going to big business events. She always seems to wear a red rose evening dress. ”

\...what is that golden three-legged frog? It's clearly the three-headed dog of hell!\ chen xiaolin heard that there were actually three gold mines in one province of china. I was shocked. All were ordinary organizations filled with filth and despair. they wear the skin of capitalism. he does not know how many ordinary events happened that secretly destroyed many lives.

“Yes, it is very appropriate.” Yu Lianyun laughed, but her molars were trembling and her heart was trembling. If no one discovers the truth, how many times will tragedies like cuitake city repeat?

Yu Lianyun stepped on the brake and stopped on the side of the road.

chen xiaolin was surprised by the unexpected braking. he glanced at the scenery outside the window and quickly said: \hospital? why did you send me here?\

\I'll send you to do what you can. do you want to deal with these things with me?\ Yu Lianyun smiled and wanted to say something.

I thought I had just escaped death on mt. Jinmasan, so I had no intention of mitting suicide again. I still had the \life-saving straw\ I bought at the cabin in the woods, but I still didn't have the courage to relax. caveat

chen xiaolin was speechless. he was silent for a while and said solemnly, “be careful.”

“please take care of Li duanen, his situation may not be good.” Yu Lianyun nodded, reminded, and quickly left.

chen xiaolin watched the car's taillights disappear into the midnight street. the roar of the engine echoed through the night, then disappeared. his hand touched the grass ring on the wrist of his other hand. the hand with the grass ring clenched into a fist...

If you want to mobilize a mysterious team to take action against the \tiantian\ group and the \Lihua\ group, without absolute direct evidence, even Yu Lianyun's words will not work.

tonight, Yu Lianyun gathered the members of the tiger Group that he led alone and prepared for a surprise attack on Song Lu, the leader of the \Lihua\ group who was currently staying in the demon city. he intended to use even more extreme methods to make Song Lu impossible. don't expose your hidden flaws.

As for the luck of ing to the bar, Yu Lianyun is not worried.

he knew his partner would take care of him too.

166 confrontations

don don don——

there was a quick knock on the door, and a delicate white hand hung on the doorknob and opened the door.

``hey, why are you looking for me in this season?'' the woman who opened the door had a beautiful and dignified face. he was wearing a white half-collared shirt and black skinny pants. when he saw the person ing, he couldn't help but smile and said, \e in and talk.\

\After I quit work, it's not like I have nothing to do. I thought the time to go to work was bad. I haven't seen Sister Jin for a long time. we are close to home, so I wanted to , e take a look.'' derek followed the woman into the house.

Sister Jing, formerly known as Fan Shuijing, is the gold medal bartender at Lucky Lai bar. he is also the benefactor of drake, who took him in when he just came to town with nothing. he always takes care of drake and is also his mentor. Friends too.

derek has not met many friends in his life, but it is clear for himself what position Sister Jin holds in his heart.

therefore, drake did not agree to chen xiaolin's request for cooperation, and did not intend to wait until chen xiaolin and others took action. he was going to end it alone before everything got out of control.

Now is the time.

this isn't the first time drake has visited Fang crystal's home. he stayed at Fang crystal's house for a while before his current false identity was processed. It was also during this time that he began learning to adapt to Fang crystals. Liquor

while with Fang crystal, drake did not see any unusual behavior from Fang crystal. It could be said that the time I spent with him was so fortable that I wanted to escape my bloody fate even for a moment. It's so good just to go through life this way.

however, that is just a momentary \greed\. he is doomed to spend his life fighting against the fate that brings him, and he knows that it will not end until the end of his death. For him, a normal life is just a luxury, and he can enjoy it for a certain period of time. be happy.

Now, when he learned that abnormal factors were involved in the Fang crystal, he was shocked for a moment, but quickly regained his posure.

In fact, drake was not suspicious of Fang crystal. At that time, a woman who wished to adopt a fishman who could not control her powers was able to live for a long time without being affected by the fishman's power. his reactions in everyday life are the most normal manifestations, but emotions can make people ignorant and prejudiced.

perhaps drake, too, was waiting for someone to tell him the truth in order to find a reason to take action.

``what do you want to drink? You can't drink at a bar.'' Fang crystal also has a bar at home. It is not only his home entertainment place, but also a \laboratory\ for him to research new mixology recipes. he ushered his guests into the bar and subconsciously tried to make a drink, but soon realized something was wrong and took his hand off the bottle.

derek smiled and said, \okay, let's get you a glass of water.\

\huh...I don't have room temperature boiling water at home. Is the lemonade I made today okay?\


Fan Jingjin brought derek a glass of lemonade and sat down with a smile on his face, \tell me, what do you want?\

derek thought for a few seconds with a smile, then slowly swirled the cup in his hand and said, \Kusun's eyes...you know?\

hearing this, Fang crystal was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said, \what? that's what I'm asking.\

As he said this, he lowered his head, blinked, thought for a while, and said, ``I thought you'd ask me this earlier, but I didn't think you'd asked me this until now. ``I'd like to ask you again, but I don't know how to answer since you suddenly asked me this, but let me start with the question that worries me the most.''

he took a stirring stick from behind the bar and stirred the slippery ice in the ice-filled shaker glass. he said quietly. \Yes, I am a member of Kusun's Eye and an executive of the organization.\

hearing Fang crystal's honest confession, drake felt a bit of a change of heart, but this feeling did not last long. he sighed. “Zheng Yu was influenced by you, wasn’t he?”

\Yes.\ Fang Jingjing did not deny this, but generously admitted: \but it was a coincidence. the only poems and painting fragments that mr. Ye leaked recorded the location of the Sky demon God's body. It was actually in the hands of Zheng Yu, and people are actually our bar guests.

After discovering the poems, we did not steal his collection. we simply planned to take advantage of his current situation, help him acplish some things, and incidentally bring him out of a sea of misery. ”

\does stepping out of a sea of suffering mean one bees a pervert?\ drake disagrees. Faced with the ordinary thoughts that Fang Jingzhou exposed at this moment, and thinking of the person who once showed him a kind smile, he could not say what happened. who is her real girlfriend?

but it doesn't matter anymore, he made his own choice, and so did the Fang crystal.

Fang Jingjin laughed and said, \All living things have desires. Is it true or perverted to expose one's ugliness in front of the great Kusuun? that's just a human opinion. drake, You are a supernatural God. there is no way our descendants will have such deep understanding.\

“You actually think there is a deep sense of morality that goes beyond desire and governs and limits desire.”

\the universe is chaotic and indifferent. this is just a return to reality.\

“humans simply do not want to return to reality, and have reproduced and developed the current order. From this perspective, the gods and you who crave chaos and follow desires, You can't control them, but they despise people because they're not as good as you.\

\You are slandered and misunderstood!\ Fang crystal clapped and stood up. the children were so excited that the cells in their eyes seemed to split into four. he smiled, his sharp fangs giving off a dangerous aura.

derek looked sadly at the others who were slowly losing control of their emotions and said quietly, \You're making generalizations about humans.\

the two looked at each other as if they liked facing each other, but their hands were stabbing each other with deadly weapons...

A frantic roar and the sounds of fierce battles fell from the 8th floor of the apartment building into the underground garage. with a loud final roar, these two intertwined indescribable objects fell into the city's underground sewers, filled with mud and stench.

After the strange sounds of skin cracking and bones breaking, the screams and screams ended abruptly in a sea of blood and darkness.

the unrecognizable drake clung to the crooked channel, its porous body oozing foul-smelling water, and looked up dissatisfied at the deep, hollow underground space.

It might be a good ending to just let it rot...

Although he defeated Fang Jingjing, he was unable to execute him. As a member of Juan cusun's family, he had more abilities than he could have imagined. After cutting out what part of his body he didn't know what to call, he went into the dirty dirt. disappear into the water.

After two minutes of breathing, derek heard a scream and the sound of sharp teeth gnashing.

After a while, I heard the sound of high heels hitting, and a balanced and attractive face was slightly fragrant.

A mixed voice from the darkness said, ``Are you okay, friend? (It's delicious.)''

167 acts of revenge

drake's half-closed eyes saw blue and white porcelain high heels, and when he looked up, he noticed a beautiful girl in a cheongsam with a thin smile and a man emerging from her broken chest.

\Jun mao, it looks like you.\ derek struggled to get up from the ground and managed to reach the bank below the waterway. As he crawled, the blue-black scales on his body fell slowly like melting snow falling to the ground. bee a part of the smelly and humid environment.

drake gradually returned to his original form, and the exaggerated wounds on his body gradually healed. Finally, he lay naked on the dirt floor, extremely swollen, as if he had just undergone a grueling workout.

ms. Zhao, who was wearing a luxurious chinese dress, was stripped of her body, and ms. xin Junmao was also found naked. She snatched the clothes from a smiling miss chao and covered drake with her own clothes.

\thank you.\ derek, whose face was pale just now, now his eyes shine and his breathing bees even more relaxed, he expressed his gratitude to xin Junmao and miss qiao.

\I don't need any thanks. If you ever get tired of living, just let me eat your body.\ miss chao looked at drake with a smile. At that moment, a light appeared in his eyes. She licked her lips and looked cute. beneath the exterior is a ferocious, feline beauty.

xin Junmao looked helplessly at mr. Zhao. It had just e out of someone else's body and was covered in slime from an unknown tissue. there was a human head waiting to be digested in the open stomach cavity of the other person, and he said, ``I'm done eating now.''

when drake looks at it, he discovers that the deformed head belongs to Fang crystal. It was obvious that mr. Zhao was unlucky to be hit after the other party ran away, and he could not have the same luck as before. , now being eaten alive.

Seeing this scene made derek feel a little mixed. he actually wanted his opponent to die in his hands.

“hey! what are you looking at?” the well-dressed xin Junmao slapped drake on the forehead and said with an evil look, “what’s the matter?”

there's not much to see, and I don't want to see it if possible.

\...I'm sorry.\ derek quickly looked away, offering a sincere apology for his rudeness in peeking into his friend's wife's body. he secretly reflected on himself, saying, ``I'm good even if I'm given an advantage.''

ms. Zhao is smiling as before, but is her smile gentler than before? he seems very satisfied with xin Junmao's reaction.

xin Junmao snorted quietly and said: \After I ate this woman earlier, I unearthed the secrets of her brain.\

derek regained his strength, got up from the ground, wrapped his clothes around his waist, and paid attention to xin Junmao's words, \what's the secret?\

xin Junmao says, \the god who respects the eyes of Kusuen is Kusuun. the specific abilities of this god are unknown. It is only known that he has the ability to peer into souls and cling to dreams. once upon a time lived in this world.'' they came to this world from ancient times on Earth.

the reason he came here was because he had fought against his natural enemy god several times outside his territory and failed. After both sides suffered damage, Kusun accidentally came to Earth from another dimension.

At that time, Earth was in the past, and the living environment was extremely harsh. but for Kusuen, this was the perfect place to rest, so he carved out a small space somewhere on the ground and slept.

however, the sleep of a foreign god cannot be understood by human thinking. Kusun retains a certain degree of autonomy even when asleep, and can emit a spiritual magnetic field that covers the world. It can also affect other people, such as mentally ill people, artists, and musicians who have a rich spiritual world.

the affected people definitely got a ticket to hell and were able to enter the spirit world of Kusuun.

these humans bee loyal slaves of Kusuun, often provoked or split after experiencing unimaginable experiences beyond the mon sense of Kusuun's spiritual world.

this is also how the Kusun developed the huan clan on land. After all, you must know that he was not the only one who came to Earth at the beginning of ancient times. Some other dimensional races with wisdom and advanced technology that surpass humans have also set their sights on Earth. Fatty pieces of meat.

Among them, one of the first Kusun tribes on Earth was a race called the pufferfish. they looked like upright mice, similar to the rat-men of western legend.

this race has advanced biotechnology, which Kusun uses to absorb the power of energy flowing from the dream world and utilize it to its full potential to speed up his own recovery from injuries. At the same time, you can. It also helps solve some of their problems. energy problem.

So after this ancient fugitive race asked Kusun, Kusun allowed them to place an energy matrix around him.
