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微看书 > 克苏鲁地方志 > 第36章 暗影之舞

第36章 暗影之舞 (第1/2页)

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在埃尔德拉卡的面纱王国的编年史中,第 3 章讲述了经验丰富的超自然现象调查员伊桑·德雷克和受人尊敬的神秘学者阿米莉亚·霍桑的危险旅程中展开的危险事件。他们为了挫败精灵巫师玛拉基·达克伍德而寻求,这使他们面对了一场背叛,这种背叛有可能破坏他们的使命,并对他们的盟友产生怀疑。









因此,埃尔德拉卡尔的编年史见证了伊桑·德雷克和阿米莉亚·霍桑的韧性和决心。他们在蒙面王国的旅程充满了背叛的残酷刺痛,但他们变得更加坚强,他们的决心不屈不挠。前方的道路仍然笼罩在不确定性之中,但他们的共同目标和对彼此不可动摇的信任将引导他们穿过可能吞没他们的阴影。第4章 揭开面纱

在埃尔德拉卡面纱王国的编年史中,第 4 章讲述了经验丰富的超自然调查员伊桑·德雷克和受人尊












在埃尔德拉卡面纱王国的编年史中,第 5 章记录了经验丰富的超自然现象调查员伊桑·德雷克和受人尊敬的神秘学者阿米莉亚·霍桑的事件,因为他们潜入了由精灵巫师玛拉基·达克伍德主持的盛大化装舞会。他们的目标:偷走传闻中挫败玛拉基邪恶计划的武器。












but this is unusual because this book is a story about Earth in the 21st century. depending on the level of civilization in this world, stories with this kind of background may have appeared in the 17th or 18th century at most.

this is not normal!

because of this, clark began to question the world, even this castle, the people here, and everything that was happening.

during the period when he lost consciousness on his way to Shinshu, he encountered some kind of abnormal situation, and he strongly suspected that he was still involved in it. Everything he experienced was unreal. there was a group that controlled everything. what are they doing to themselves or they just want to laugh at themselves!

who are they and what do they want?

clark covered his head and rubbed his head, trying to remember even the smallest bit of a forgotten memory.

Anyone would panic if they realized that there were countless invisible hands controlling them wherever they were. of course, clark is no exception.

Unfortunately, mr. clark was left scratching his head and could not recall any significant memories. For the time being all I could do was calm myself down and try not to think about it too much.

he held his pocket watch in his arms, stared at the slowly ticking hands, and murmured: “Is this broken pocket watch a memory of me?”

clark looked at the tip and took a deep breath, then closed the cover of his pocket watch, placed it on his arm, and stood up to put on his shoes and get dressed.

he can't wait any longer and wants to know all of this, regardless of whether the others will sleep peacefully tonight or what they're doing now.

before he can learn the truth about this world, he may first need to follow the wishes of the \people\ who brought him here, find out the cause of Earl bluebeard's death, and find the person who wrote it.

clark didn't bring any lighting equipment with him when he went out today. As a myopic eye with limited vision, he relied on his naked eye, which was adapted for night vision.

clark did not immediately return to the scene of count brebre's death, but instead came to Kander's room.

the one who gets the dry stone from all the shadows must go to Kander's room, pick up the dry stone and go inside after pleting the magic spell using count brebre's body . perhaps some clues remain in Kander's room.

185 sand

Kander's room was much the same as the one he had seen yesterday. there didn't seem to be any signs of it being touched. however, when he opened the fake book sealed with stones, it was empty. the stone was indeed taken, and bluebeard was broken. the stone carving of the count's head is certainly taken from here.

At the same time, clark didn't know if he was hallucinating or not, but he thought he smelled a faint smell, but it was very weak and suspicious.

to test this, mr. clark approached the fake book, which was actually a box, and carefully and forcefully inhaled it several times. he was convinced that the scent was ing from the surface of the box, and carefully felt the scent that touched the surface of the box with the back of his hand and the palm of his hand. when I touched it, I noticed that there was something oily on the surface of the box. this sticky feeling must e from some kind of skin care product that women use.

So, hera?

clark was familiar with this scent. For, on the first night after arriving at the castle, when hera served him dinner, the two were so intimate that the same scent emanated from the other's body.

closing the fake book and putting the things back in their places, clark left Kander's room and walked toward count breve's room.

the castle was silent, and the sound of strong winds hitting the glass could be clearly heard, as if a group of demons were banging on the doors and windows. the sound of the wind passing through the gap was the strange howl of their invasion, and it was frightening.

Feeling depressed, mr. clark turned into the hallway and up the winding staircase. he felt that the way up was longer and farther than when he came last night. he looked up at the dark bowl that appeared endlessly, as if walking into a profound reversal of space.

perhaps the murderer and the sorcerer are waiting for him in the room where he goes, or maybe they are hiding in a dark corner, like an arrow in the darkness, sealing his throat with a deadly motion .

however, the moment he slowly opened the counting room door and entered the counting room, his thoughts disappeared. for everything was as quiet as before.

poor count bluebeard was still lying cold on the big bed soaked in blood. the deadly saber was still stuck in his heart. the cold light on the blade was half-embedded in the stone of his rotting face. the spirit of the ghost that takes care of you is very strong.

based on his suspicions about deacon Valente, clark surmised that something harmful had happened to deacon Valente in that fateful scene.

Some say that Valente went in and out of count bluebeard's room every night during the day to report on the daily work of the castle, but then Valente's butlers and count bluebeard were really diligent every night. I wonder?

considering Earl bluebeard's attitude towards him, a stranger who did not carefully verify his identity and even asked questions perfunctorily, clark doubted that Earl bluebeard would ever be a serious and responsible ruler of his castle. I wasn't thinking about it.

clark remembered where everyone had dug during the day and carefully checked the corners that hadn't been dug. After searching for a long time and not finding anything in particular, he began to focus on searching for butler Valente during the day. Action.

\he searched the bookshelves, the shed, the fireplace...\ clark tried to remember the details. Everyone checked these places many times, and finally his eyes fell on the body of count brebre. \the body... yes, he was the only one who examined the body, and he was the only one who touched the body during the entire process.\

I remember that when I was preparing to examine the body during the day, neither miller nor hella wanted to touch it. therefore, the job was left to two men. butler Valente says he is the only one wearing gloves and that he does not trust him. because clark was an outsider, he was not allowed to touch count brebble's body.

could this corpse be hiding something else?

clark nodded secretly. the body was thoroughly examined. Although the women did not have the courage to touch the bodies, they observed them carefully. the chances of an error occurring were very low.

clark's eyes then fell to the bed and his eyes lit up a little. was there something wrong with the bed?

he glanced at the body on the bed, secretly excused himself, roughly dragged the body down to the ground, then climbed on top of the bed and groped everywhere on it.

\huh?\ After mr. clark lifted the sheets and mattress, he unexpectedly realized that the seamless bedboard and bed frame were actually solid.

``It's no wonder that when you sit on that bed, it's hard to feel any movement or shaking.'' After discovering the abnormality, clark felt that there must be some trick hidden inside the bedboards, so he knocked around. I looked around and immediately found the center of the bed board. there was a cavity about the width of the shoulders of two adults, so I guessed there was a hidden tunnel under the bed.

So he started looking for different places that could activate this mechanism and finally found a sign on a board hanging in the room.

there is a very deep gap in the bottom right corner of the frame where the picture is hung. because the frame of the watch is black, the blackness displayed in this space is pletely integrated and difficult to see with the naked eye. And even if clark had discovered it, he wouldn't have thought it was so suspicious if he hadn't realized there was a trick here.

``If this is the key that makes the system work, what is the key?'' mr. clark thought imaginatively, remembered, clapped his hands, and said, ``I thought about it.''

clark's eyes suddenly turned to the body leaning against the ground, his entire attention focused on the saber.

After saying sorry again, mr. clark moved forward to pull out the knife, but unexpectedly realized that it was stuck in the bone and seemed to be firmly attached to his body, making it difficult to remove it. ta.

She put her feet under count bluebeard's arms, took a deep breath, and pulled herself up.

I'll polish it!

After applying too much force, clark made a loud noise and fell to the ground, accidentally scratching his finger.

\Ah!\ A subdued cry rang out from Earl bluebeard's room. clark suddenly felt scared. when he turned around, he saw the face of a woman slumped against a bookshelf.

\You! when did you e in?\ clark said, shocked.

clark couldn't see the other person's face clearly in the darkness, but judging from the outline of her body, it was probably miraie. he only heard the other person say: \I saw you there, so it didn't take long...I hid. It seems like you just fell and that sound caught me off guard. because it surprised me...oh, but I was.'' It was cut out in the corner of the library...''

mr. clark felt a little relieved after hearing the other person's voice and explanation. he thought for a while, then walked towards millet with a knife and said quietly, \why didn't you call me when you came in?\

Faced with clark approaching with the murder weapon, millet not only felt frightened, but also lit a candle to illuminate the room, tore the cloth from her apron, and bandaged the wound on her finger. he smiled dryly and said, \Aren't you afraid of interfering with the police officer's investigation and interrupting his train of thought?\

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clark stopped when he heard mirai L's words. due to mirai El's positive confession, the last doubts he had about mirai El in his heart pletely disappeared.

miraille simply wrapped a cloth around his bleeding finger to stop the bleeding, then patted him on the butt, stood up, smiled and said, ``hello, officer, I'm a millennial. \I'm reporting a secret criminal. castle beard. please e.\ ”

\Sure enough, it's you,\ clark said, a little relieved. he glanced at mi Lail's injured finger and said, \I'm sorry.\

\It's none of your business, it's my fault,\ mirella nodded, looking worriedly at clark's finger, which was also bleeding. \You're bleeding, too,\ he said, tearing a piece of cloth off his clothes that clark had bandaged himself with.

clark instinctively wanted to back away and avoid it, but he only raised the heel of one foot and immediately hit the ground. In the end, he didn't avoid it. he accepted miraille's kindness and thanked her after the other person left.

mi Reil showed a gentle smile and asked with interest, \police officer, can I ask if you have discovered anything new? Even you think that it is illegal to move your body casually. masu.\

mr. clark did not answer the question immediately, but asked seriously: \did you e by yourself and didn't meet anyone else?\

when miraie heard that, the smile disappeared from her face and she looked a little nervous. we are running out of rooms. In order to go out quietly and not be seen, I paid close attention to miss hella's movements in the room, but in reality, miss hella left the room before I did. look for you After I found you not in your room, I asked if you could e to the count's room. ”

``where did miss hera go after she left the room?'' clark raised an eyebrow.

miraille shook her head, \I don't know either. I didn't see her on the street.\

\And what about butler Valente?\ clark asked again. \have you ever looked for him?\

``I'll be there soon!'' mirella shook her head and said in a weak voice, ``I feel like butler Valente has been acting strange since the count's death.''

\Strange?\ clark asked. \tell me about it.\

miraie thought about it for a while, but wasn't sure. \It's just...it seems like it's getting very difficult...he doesn't want to hear what other people have to say...\

clark secretly nodded after hearing miraille's words. this was similar to how he felt. After confirming count bluebeard's death, Valente's mood changed slightly. his attitude towards others during the day is similar, unlike the feeling when we met on the first night, as if ... the count is no longer here, as if he were the owner of the house, condescending. my attitude became even stronger. house. In the castle, the controller is here.

Even millet had sensed a change in the count, and clark was sure that his feelings were correct.

Suddenly, without warning, clark asks, \did you kill Earl bluebeard?\

when miraie heard this, she was shocked for a few seconds and blushed, then said, \No, it's not me! mr. clark, please believe me.\ As he said this, he seemed to have suffered unduly, and tears were welling up in the corners of his eyes.

clark coughed a little, embarrassed. \Sorry, I just asked casually.\

Shortly after, clark confesses to miller what he discovered that night, quickly distracting miller.

miraille's attention was quickly diverted. After hearing about clark's discovery, he immediately looked at her with surprise and admiration and said, \As expected of you, mr. clark, we were able to discover so many details that day.\

trying not to look too brightly at his opponent, clark returned to the small hole next to the black frame with his saber in hand, swung it horizontally, and stabbed into the gap. As the entire saber blade disappeared into the wall, clark felt like the tip of the knife hit something, like a switch or something. with a little push, the bed boards began to shake. A hidden secret door slowly opens, suddenly revealing a secret passageway leading underground.

``Actually, there is a secret passage.'' millet looked at clark with shining eyes, but when she saw the dark secret passage, she felt a little frightened and hid behind clark, holding clark's sleeve with one hand. I grabbed it.

\Let's go down and take a look,\ clark said solemnly.

holding a large lighted candle in his hand, he approached the secret passage and saw the same spiral corridor leading to the secret spaces of the castle.

when clark reached the exit, he lit the oil lamps that hung on either side of the door to the secret space. A tingling light illuminated a section of the room, and a horrible, bloody truth hit their minds like an out-of-control train.

this dark secret room had rows of cabinets filled with deformed human heads. they were immersed in a container filled with formalin solution, staring unblinkingly at the intruder. this space is prohibited for double occupancy.

\oh...\ mirai almost screamed, but quickly covered her mouth and looked around in fear.

this gruesome scene is visually shocking, but still bearable for the savvy clark. what he is interested in now is a mysterious symbol carved into the vessel in which the human head was immersed. these are people who perform magic tricks. A symbol, an inscription of a prayer in the shadow that overes everything.

\why...does Earl bluebeard use similar magic?\ clark is shocked and confused as count bluebeard, who used this type of magic, ends up suffering from the same type of magic. did.

\what is magic?\ milea couldn't help but ask when she heard clark plain.

clark didn't explain anything to the other person, but he went to a desk in this room with a large candlestick in his hand. he used the candle to light another candlestick on the desk and gave the candlestick to mirai. \You can go and look around, but don't touch anything indiscriminately. If you want to touch anything, please let me know first.\

miraille obediently nodded and lit the candlestick. I was a little scared and hesitated, but when I saw clark concentrating on flipping through the notebook on the desk, I gritted my teeth and stepped away from him, pushing my back and looking at him warily. Look around.

clark opened the notebook on his desk. there was written a record of when count bluebeard performed a magic trick in secret. It contained a lot of heavy material, all of which revealed count bluebeard's perverted mind. what makes clark even more depressed is that count bluebeard always has an assistant with him when he performs his magic, and that assistant is none other than mr. Valente's butler.

\oh, that's it! that's it!\ miraie seemed to have made other discoveries as well. After plucking up the courage to take a closer look at the bottles and cans, he took a few steps back in disbelief. my eyes are filled with tears of war and fear.

clark clutched the trapped and deformed notebook tightly in his hand, looking confusedly at the severed and deformed heads around him, and solemnly said: Some came from the castle. ” the servants there have either mysteriously disappeared or been brutally murdered by the count and Valente. ”

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the corresponding name was written on the counter in front of each container, and each persecution was recorded in detail in a notebook.

milea was scared, but clark frowned.

clark was a little confused about the actual situation. According to previous speculation, it was miss hela who stole the all-seeing shadowstone. It was miss hela who cast a spell on the dead Earl beard blue.

however, current evidence suggests that the person most likely to perform magic within the castle is butler Valente.

does hera also know how to use this magic?

If hera could do it, where did she learn it?

If hela really knows how to do it, then three out of the four people in count bluebeard's castle already know how to use this magic...clarke's eyes need to look at millet. there was.

clark once again became suspicious of mirael, thinking that he could not take her away now.

what if it's wrong? bringing in the wrong person means that person is actively creating a danger to themselves.

clark couldn't help but feel a chill in his chest at the thought. he suddenly realized that he was wrong. what mistake did he make? why did he think that the person who wrote the letter asking him to e to the castle to investigate must be a \nice person\?

he is probably the only \good\ person in the castle.

Yes, he should run away and leave him alone...

\mr. clark, what do you have?\ miraie looked at clark with some fear when she saw that clark's expression gradually became ugly and his eyes were still waiting for her.

clark suddenly woke up at the girl's snarky tone. clark looked at mi Lyle with mixed feelings. the kindness of his heart told him that he could not live alone, and he left. Reason also tells him that he cannot escape alone in such bad times. the only way to survive is to find those you can unite with, defeat or directly kill the other two in the castle, wait for the weather to improve, and then leave.

clark secretly took a deep breath, the cool air filling his nose calming his brain.

Yes, there is no point in thinking about it now, both good and bad. Finding teammates you can work with is a top priority.

\Are you sure miss hera isn't in her room right now?\ clark asked again.

\I'm sure he's not here,\ mirella shook her head, a little confused since clark was always asking stupid questions. “do you know who the bad guy is now?”

\I'm not entirely sure about that yet.\ clark cradled the notebook in his arms. \we need to investigate further. Let's investigate miss hela first.\

As clark spoke, he walked over to a wall where various torture instruments and weapons were hung, from which he took an ax and, after a moment's hesitation, handed it to millet, while he himself held the ax and some rusted objects on the surface. I chose spots. hammer

miraille picked up the ax and looked helplessly at clark, \why do you have an ax?\

\take care of yourself,\ clark said shortly.

when mirel appeared before him and he heard mirel say that hela had also left the room, clark knew that the night was destined to be unstable. Everyone was in action, including the murderer, count bluebeard. , a madman was also working behind the scenes to cast a spell on the earl's corpse.

It would be better if we never met, but if we did, it would inevitably lead to a dangerous situation.

clark and miriel leave the chamber of Secrets. clark took one look at the ugly, fat pig lying on the floor, decided not to repair it, and left.

Someone has already broken in and taken the supernatural stone from the count's body, so there is no need to repair it. the saber on the wall was also broken. Apparently, the person who came was planning to block the secret passage and separate him from my Lai. he was locked in a secret room and died, but apparently the saber made with a mechanical key had lost the hardness of a normal knife. the man tried to pull it, but could not. Instead, he swung his saber sideways and broke it.

miraie clearly understood the wretched man's intentions and patted his chest happily, saying, \how dangerous, what a blessing.\

\did butler Valente do it?\ miller guessed.

\No.\ clark shook his head. ``the blade that was still in the keyhole had fallen out, indicating that it was a short man who pulled the knife. Also, butler Valente and count bluebeard have been doing this kind of thing together for many years.'' It's impossible to do it secretly. I didn't know how to close the door and I broke my knife.\

\Are you hera-san!?\ mirella's eyes widened.

clark didn't answer, it was a question that didn't need to be answered at all.

there are only four people inside the castle. by the process of elimination, anyone can guess who is trying to do something bad.

clark rubbed his hand on the handle of the hammer. his choice of weapon was certainly correct. In the end, someone started showing murderous intent again. At that time, it was a petition between the hunter and the prey.

the two of them left Earl bluebeard's room and found themselves in a dark, empty hallway. It was as dark as when they first arrived, but they were both so alert that it felt like there were two eyes watching them in the darkness.

Led by millais, clark arrives at the door of miss hela's room.

clark's eyes manded, and miller understood it. he knocked on the door, but when there was no answer inside, he turned the doorknob.
