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微看书 > 克苏鲁地方志 > 第39章 微妙平衡

第39章 微妙平衡 (第1/2页)

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第3章的编年史就这样结束了,伊丽莎白和撒母耳穿越了尼克萨托里亚的夜光迷雾,深入宇宙启示的深处,直面其中深不可测的真理。愿他们的旅程成为一个警示故事,讲述那些敢于探索凡人无法理解的领域的人所面临的危险和奇迹。第5章 艾多隆尖塔的秘密

在1925年的Nyxathoria编年史中,伊丽莎白·桑菲尔德和塞缪尔·布莱克索恩的故事达到了一个关键的转折点。他们对知识的不懈追求将他们带到了王国的中心,在那里被称为Eidolon Spires的高耸建筑矗立着宇宙真理的雄伟哨兵。









第5章的编年史就这样结束了,其中伊丽莎白和塞缪尔揭开了艾多隆尖塔的秘密,深入研究了支配尼克萨索里亚的深刻宇宙真理。愿他们对启蒙的追求能够提醒人们,知识与宇宙灾难之间的微妙平衡,以及学者和探险家心中对理解的永恒追求。第六章 最后的对峙

在 1925 年的 Nyxathoria 编年史中,伊丽莎白·桑菲尔德和塞缪尔·布莱克索恩的故事达到了高潮。学者们被他们对知识的永不满足的渴望和坚定不移的决心所驱使,发现自己站在与腐败的巫师玛拉基·沃斯(malachi Voss)进行最后对抗的悬崖边上。

玛拉基·沃斯(malachi Voss)曾经是一位着名的学者,在对终极力量的不懈追求中屈服于黑魔法的诱惑。他被自己的痴迷所吞噬,试图利用尼克萨索里亚的精灵部队来达到自己的邪恶目的。









随着它们的力量交织和融合,一股宇宙能量涌入了尼克萨索里亚。堕落的巫师玛拉基·沃斯(malachi Voss)被征服了,他的黑暗统治被学者们的联合力量和无私的牺牲所破坏。



在 1925 年的 Nyxathoria 编年史中,伊丽莎白·桑菲尔德和塞缪尔·布莱克索恩的故事达到了高潮。学者们战胜了腐败的巫师玛拉基·沃斯,保持了王国的微妙平衡,面临着最后的审判。







display an insane beauty that will take your breath away. It is a beauty beyond human aesthetics that only crazy artists can pursue!

“what…what…” Yu Lianyun felt that her soul and life were about to be trapped in this crazy landscape. he felt the urge to jump out of reach. but he feels very close to heaven.

I vaguely heard something like a thick, strong, and somewhat awkward voice?

It's like hearing a baby cry, the sound penetrates your heart and penetrates deep into your soul.

``Yuu-san, you look ugly right now.'' At that moment, the melodious sound of the violin cut through the ``fishing line'' that had been pulling him away from his consciousness like a blade. he felt dizzy and almost passed out, but sat down on the floor.

Yu Lianyun did not dare to look up at the scenery that people could not and could not appreciate. he just stared at the \earth\ that was slowly sinking. his facial muscles stiffened, his jaw felt unlocked, and his eyes felt open.

\Um,\ Yu Lianyun heard the voice and knew who was next to her, but she couldn't speak or call for help.

but the elegant man in a straight tuxedo, his hands covered with steel blades and clawed gloves, seemed to understand his words and said with a disappointed look on his face: this is your chance to continue doing what you want to do. ”

\Understood - \

\Are you that attached to your identity as a person? well, I respect your choice.\ heimorphen nods and smiles as he plays his violin, plucking the strings and blades to create a new song. played the movements.

“Unfortunately, if you take her away now, she may not survive, so I think playing relaxing music will help both you and your baby sleep peacefully, but if you bury her, she will fall asleep. . \hello. After saying that, morphin stopped talking and focused on making the music immersive in order to convey the theme of \cosmic stillness and emptiness\ in the music.

the sound of the violin spreads in all directions, slow but irresistible.

As the sound spread, the dark torrent subsided, being clear water and sinking into the muddy ground. the heat and black smoke spewing out from the pillar of flesh slowly subsided, and my anxiety gradually subsided.

the still sound of the horns and bells was overshadowed by the beautiful melody of the violin, and the cries and exclamations of the city were silenced by an invisible hand. As if echoing the frequency of the cosmic breath, everything pletely let go and a kind of unified calm was reached.

on the platform of a high-rise building not far away, Ling Ling, dressed in white, was sitting on the roof railing. he closed his eyes and savored this new work by a master of music. he continued to listen quietly as the other parts continued to play. I resisted the urge to shoot and wow.

Yes yes

You can hear the footsteps of a desert waterfall nearby. Ling Ling noticed a subtle dissonance. when he opened one eye, he saw a married woman with her upper and lower body torn in half. A pair of small red shoes embroidered with white chrysanthemums stood awkwardly in front of Linlin. close together.

``do you want to adopt this child?'' the other person didn't speak, but Linlin seemed to be listening to his answer. he looked at them in surprise, pointed with one finger at the huge mass forming on the horizon, and smiled. his mother is the same one who said she looked around all day and was scared to death as she saw the blessings spread all over the world. the last child born before he left has just hatched, lending his inner world to a group of people.

Upon hearing this, the woman wearing a wedding dress with separate upper and lower halves immediately bowed her head with an expression of respect and joy, expressing her gratitude. then he came to a naked lump of flesh on the horizon and stopped crying. A woman wearing a wedding dress slowly raises her head, revealing her cleavage. his open stomach let out a deep rumble and a happy laugh. As soon as his stomach straightened, the piece of flesh that had been sleeping unknown in the sky immediately began to shrink in size, eventually turning into a ball of light the size of two woman's fists inside it. It shrunk. Inside the woman's belly, her stomach swelled and she quickly became pregnant.

the woman in the wedding dress seems to love children very much. After I became a \pregnant woman\, I was so happy that I forgot to bring the lower half of my body with me, and it disappeared in an instant.


when the upper body of a woman wearing a wedding dress disappeared, her lower body also expanded into black air, invading the white chrysanthemums and red shoes.

\Even after being a mother, you're still reckless. I'm really worried about my child's future.\ Linlin said with a bit of regret. Look, the roof gradually collapsed, and the red shoes fell into the ruins as the building collapsed, and were washed away. Earth and stone buried him, and he stood up, the buildings beneath his feet falling inch by inch, inching closer to the earth, not too fast, as if a gentle hand had supported his feet and set him on the ground. was

he stood on the ground, turned his head, and looked out at the black water that disappeared like a loach into the cracks of the earth, pletely unaffected by heimorphen's music. then he looked at the mysterious color of the sky that no one else could understand. he said to himself. \Look at this kid crying. he's passing big balls of urine and feces, uh-\

he shrunk his head in disgust, turned and disappeared without a trace.

In the distance, on the roof of a sloping building, the tall figure playing the violin disappeared, leaving only a thin woman leaning peacefully against the wall, breathing heavily.

Six decent people, a bald man who escaped from a mental hospital

Fengxiang city has bee a dangerous city. that day, the cries of babies that spread across the city disappeared, but unknown black water from the large missing pieces of flesh seeped into the ground, causing local land degradation and water source pollution. , and can even cause abnormalities in local animals.

of course, there are other obvious reasons why Fengxiang is no longer a fortable city for people to live in. the fantastic colors that fill the sky are like a city that has eliminated the atmospheric barrier and is directly connected to the stars of the universe. when we look at each other, there is a certain mystery in the colors that we should not delve into for now. when people who want to know more look at the color of the sky, they gradually lose consciousness, and their bodies gradually lose moisture, as if their life and soul are being sucked out by the color.

Just like the night of the collapse of cuizhu city several years ago, the ordinary events that occurred in Fengxiang city made the entire human race once again realize the madness of the world they live in.

madness, chaos, and indifference are the most natural and logical laws of the universe. It is by chance that humans are able to reproduce and develop a civilized order in the universe. Right now, people have only glimpsed the tip of the iceberg, or maybe a drop in the bucket, of this terrifying universe. Unless everyone accepts such a world, we cannot survive.

the city of Fengxiang has started a mass evacuation, and the city's residents have had to vacate the land and homes they lived in, but this does not mean that everyone has been given the opportunity to leave the city. there wasn't.

After all, some of them have had \close\ contact with anomalies, some have unknowingly hidden anomalous dangers, and some have betrayed humanity and must be exiled. Some people are forced to bee a kind of animal. unknown animal.

therefore, this evacuation operation was by no means smooth sailing, and it continued intermittently for about six months before it finally came to an end.

however, it does not mean that the xuanmi group's activities on Earth are over, it only means that it is no longer a major concern.

“chief, all the investigation teams from each region have assembled. the investigation team dispatched by our occult team and the 7-person investigation team dispatched from the New York Regional Anomalous creatures Foundation departed first. Investigation teams from other regions is also being formed. Input: ``the tall, well-proportioned secretary reported on the activities with wei chengye, the top leader of the secret group.

wei chengye looked at the rain outside the window, his expression neither sad nor happy. he looked like he was always thinking about something, as if he was tireless and rarely changed his mood. After listening to the director's report, he simply nodded and said calmly: \Always pay attention to follow-up and maintain good contact with various investigation teams.\

\Yes,\ the secretary agreed. he suddenly fell silent as he saw a figure leaning back in a chair. he stopped there and didn't leave right away. After a long time, he couldn't help but ask. \team Leader, why are you still investigating? we can't... clean it up?\ he clearly spelled out the word \clean.\

wei chengye didn't turn around, opened his mouth filled with half-dried saliva, and spoke as if to make a statement. . that day. \, the day a big piece of meat made a baby cry, all our people died... probably all died, but the location of the big piece of meat is still unknown. Is he still in this town? ?”

\what if he's not here?\ the secretary asked after they were silent for a moment.

wei chengye intertwined the fingers of both hands on his stomach, rubbed his thumbs together, his breathing seemed to quicken for a while, and he said, \maybe I can finish cleaning.\

“what if he was here?”

“…” wei chengye didn’t answer, but the secretary noticed that one of his legs was shaking uneasily.

the secretary was silent for a while again, but seemed to remember something, and broke the stifling silence by announcing, ``there is a patient who has escaped from the Rokka port mental Sanatorium.''

hearing this, wei chengye immediately exhaled and said, \Li Lao is really restless.\

``In the end, all of his former subordinates died, the photos in his room were cut out, and he was the only one left.'' A look of great sympathy appeared on the secretary's face.

\has he recovered?\

\So? It's never been this good,\ the secretary sighed. \his condition hasn't improved at all, and I would say it's getting worse day by day. he acts calm during the week, but in fact every night when people are quiet, he falls asleep. Nightmares bee more frequent as you get older, and night terrors bee more frequent.

“do you know where he went?” wei chengye asked after thinking for a moment.

\we are certain that he did not leave the china area. After escaping from the psychiatric hospital, he got into a car and left.\

“Ji Ying?” wei chengye wondered, “who else can I contact?”

the secretary frowned and said weakly. \this is what makes us even more incredible. Until now, he Jian'an's contact with the outside world was limited to Yu Lianyun, and there was very little contact. but for some reason, After he ran away from that .nursing home, now we can't even find his whereabouts, because that day he ran away without any problems, as if everything had been planned in advance.\

“what about the car?” wei chengye thought he saw a car in his eyes.

\when we tried it, we found that the cars were not only piled up, but also abandoned in the woods by the side of the road. At this time, they had also fallen over, and there were traces of how many cars had escaped. \the car they were in was washed clean. A short time later, the car was also found abandoned. No one else was found.\

wei chengye was a little surprised, his mouth opened slightly, and he closed his eyes in frustration, leaning back on the back of his chair to steady his breathing. After a while, he called \xiao wu\ to see if the secretary was still there.

the secretary stood next to him and waited for wei chengye to speak, then said, \I'm still here.\

\Lao Li's side... there's no need to look for him anymore, just leave him alone.\ the secretary was surprised by wei chengye's words.

Secretary: \...Li Jia'an has been diagnosed with a high degree of mental abnormality and has powerful telepathy with the Yellow Sand God. the risks and dangers lurking there are not small. Are you really not going to do it?\ pursue this. would you like to? ”

“well, believe me,” wei chengye said quietly, picked up the thermos teacup on the table, paused to look at the goji berries in the teacup, and said, “the last car I saw. where was it?” he asked. where is he? Is it possible to go to hosho city? ”

“It’s simple. the car drove in the opposite direction from Fengxiang city.” the secretary looked puzzled, “If he doesn’t go to Fengxiang city and find Yu Lianyun’s house, where will he go? ?”

descendants I met

\bar, bar, bar...hoo...\ A man crawled out of the water, soaking wet to his skin, still and shivering, spitting out salty seawater.

It was late autumn, so the sea breeze was very strong. the man stood on the shore, chattering his teeth. he turned angrily and saw that the whirlpool that had brought him to the shore had been destroyed without a trace by the rushing waves. , Just like the white flowers in the portrait, only white waves raised by the waves crashing against the rocks surround the entire island.

there was something wrong with the secretary, wei chengye, from the beginning. In other words, although he Jian was not actually in china, he left the country and came across the sea from china to Sakurajima.

Sakurajima and most of the islands in the pacific Rim form their own region, but because most of this region is covered by ocean, it is called the archipelago region or the pacific Rim region. . Sakurajima is the relative center of civilization building in this region. It is a highly developed and relatively fortable place to live.

``All the cigarettes are wasted.'' Li Jia'an pulled out a pack of cigarettes soaked in seawater from his pocket. when I opened it, even the cigarette was soaked. he immediately tried to throw away the cigarette without saying a word, but when he thought about it, he didn't have any money right now, and he certainly couldn't even buy a pack of cigarettes.

If this tobacco is bad, it's bad. he doesn't smoke anyway, but when he gets addicted to cigarettes, he always wants to put something in his mouth. but nothing is better than a cigarette holder. It can be used again after drying. .

A smoker's mouth is already shaped like a cigarette.

Li Jian turned and looked at the sea again. thinking of the half-breed fish that took him all the way from china, he felt a little angry in his heart, “the thread sent me here and you didn’t leave any sacrifices? what? Is that the problem?”

with a long sigh, he Jia'an took off his shirt and walked barefoot on the beach. he had been shaking for a while, but now he was no longer cold.

Even though it's autumn, the number of people ing to the sea has decreased considerably, but that doesn't mean there aren't people swimming in the sea. Some \rough\ men even leave their clothes and property on the shore, giving the he family an opportunity to take advantage of it. car

wearing a flower-print shirt and pants that didn't match his personal style, the friendly bald mr. he Jia'an was very conspicuous on the street.

while in a mental hospital, he was plagued day and night with all kinds of crazy and dirty hallucinations. her physical condition inevitably deteriorated, her plexion became pale, and no matter how much she tried to look human or animal-like, she was no longer praised for her appearance. It seems harmless, but just like dong Shi xiaoqian, the harder he tries, the more people feel that something is wrong, and passersby carefully avoid him.

In response to this, Li Jia'an secretly sighed again. he put his hands in his pockets. Inside there were some changes to dinglingjiaoran and a flat red square. If he takes it out, the chinese will immediately smile knowingly, because this is a red envelope.

he brought a red envelope from china and always kept it close to him. he was as precious as a wet cigarette.

he didn't know if there was money in the red envelope, but even if there was, he would never use it because he knew that if the red envelope ran out he would be haunted by that vile vision. did. .

when the red envelope was first created, it was a kind of talisman. It is also called Fukukin, Fukukin, Fukukin, and Kaiunkin. In Guangzhou, it is also called \benefit\, which means to suppress evil spirits, and in turn, to bring good luck and happiness.

According to folklore, children tend to attract evil spirits because they are spiritual and ignorant of worldly affairs. the worst spirits are most violent at the end of the year. therefore, during chinese New Year, the elders give red envelopes to the younger generation to protect their children from evil spirits.

At first, the red envelope did not even contain actual money, it was just a kind of souvenir that did not circulate on the market. It was even later that real money began to be used as lucky money.

Li Ka'an also had mixed feelings when thinking about the origin of the red envelope she brought with her.

Red envelopes are given by older people to younger people, and his red envelope was given to him by a store owner who seemed to be a ``genius'' in the forest, so he had to pay for it instead of getting it for free.

No matter how you think about it, it's outrageous that when you donate money, all you receive is a red envelope...

In the middle of the night when the Yu Lianyun incident was reported, he Jia'an, who was suffering from the side effects of being forced to read the book of Sand, suddenly felt relieved. there was no doubt that all of the hallucinations he had suffered from over the years were suspected because of all the things he had seen. Shadow eyes were the most dangerous to him, and they all disappeared overnight, leaving only a few apparitions that were less threatening in parison.

Li Jian was also very surprised, but in the illusion of that moment, he suddenly heard a voice calling out to him several times. hearing these voices made him feel very lonely. Even though the tone was ghostly, it didn't scare him and made him feel plicated.

\his team...\

when Li Jian'an followed the sound, he saw two beautiful figures appear in the fog. one has long flowing hair and the other has neat short hair. his heart suddenly jumped, his eyes heated up, \You guys...all of you...all of you came to see me.\ Still? \

Neither of the two figures in the mist said anything. In the mist the figure quickly distorted, hands became wings, feet became claws, and when he flapped his wings, there was no wind, but he passed. the other figure stepped back. As he continued, the figure seemed to melt away, being shorter and shorter. A man and a woman appeared behind him. they let out a low, strange cry and grabbed the shorter one by the face and dragged him to the ground.

Seeing this, he Jia'an tried to catch them, but when he stretched out his hand and ran forward, he realized that it was touching the wall. A closer look revealed that it was a wooden house.

Li Jia'an still remembers that Yu Lianyun often mentioned this place in the team. when he was raped by an extradimensional creature for the first time, he discovered here a supernatural power called the blessing, which was even more powerful than the extradimensional creature's rape. And I almost died from the power of the blessing.

Also, legends such as the cabin in the forest and the supermarket in dreams are widespread in china, some of which are familiar to everyone. however, except for a small number of people around the world, very few people have actually seen the cabin in the woods, and no one in the world seems to be able to accurately describe what it looks like.

Yu Lianyun also told me the specific location of the hut in the forest. Former team members also went looking for him, but for some reason they found a lake and several trees in the mountains of Itai city. there were willow trees and small houses, but there was no one inside, and it was so clean that there wasn't even a trace of the usual magnetic field disturbances.

After a lot of human and material resources were spent without any results, wei chengye, the leader of the mysterious team, finally gave up on the search. however, everyone on the mysterious team knew that in the forest of this world, there was a cabin filled with all kinds of things. A forbidden object that turns the world upside down a thousand times.

Li Jian'an never thought that she would be able to e here one day. he gets a little emotional and enters the store... only to meet wei Jiang, who was rehired after his death.

price of 288 transactions

wei Jiang is still wei Jiang in his memory, but he can no longer go back to the past. he said he had a mission to fulfill. It's not so much that he \has to\, it's what he wants more of at the moment. things to do.

Not only him, but also Li Yingqi and Yu Lianyun. they all have their own wishes that they want to fulfill for a long time.

Upon hearing this, he Jia'an actually guessed that Yu Lianyun might encounter an unexpected event. he felt a little sad, but couldn't help but feel relieved, and was a little envious of Yu Lianyun.

It is really difficult for humans to live in such a world. If I had another life, I would like it to be like a stone.

wei Jiang then introduced boss Lin, the owner of the forest hut. he always \has never seen the real face of Lushan.\

when he met the young-looking Ling Ling, he Jia'an also felt that he was a little ridiculous, but seeing that his former subordinate still maintained a respectful attitude towards Ling Ling, he felt that the world I couldn't help but put it aside. take a look and then look again.

After several tests, he Jian was convinced that this \person\ was definitely a madman, and also the most terrifying type of madman.

Emotionally indifferent, highly rational, crazy but not crazy...this kind of rational madman can cause disaster no matter what weapon he has.

this kind of madness is exactly the final destination of every lucky investigator, and it is also the most perfect professional state that an investigator should pursue.

In he Jia'an's heart, Lin Ling has eyes that can see into people's hearts. his every move has no privacy for the other party, and all his thoughts can be understood, so Li Jian'an has no opportunity to test the details of the other party. he was quickly led by the other party and finally took the money for no reason and bought a red envelope.

when Li Jian saw him wearing a hospital gown with no pockets and pulling out two red bills from nowhere, he knew in his heart that what he had paid for was probably not as simple as \money.\ I realized inside.

Every deal that everyone makes in this cabin in the woods is a \price\ that is arguably crueler than life, but it is paid in a form and manner that we can understand.

“what does 200 yuan represent?” Li Jia’an asked and handed the money to Ling Ling. he hesitated for a moment, but finally gave it without hesitation. the power of the red envelope was what he needed most right now.

Ling Ling said to him with a smile. “the original is the foundation and source…”

Li Jian'an stuffed the \gold and silver\ into his pocket and thought, went to the store to buy cheaper energy bars to use as food for the next period, and found a place to stay. temporarily. I'm planning to stay on this island for a while and make other plans after I've calmed down a bit.

Entering a chain convenience store, Li Jiang stood in front of the shelves, carefully selecting and weighing, and thinking about which energy bar would be best to buy.

one is delicious but the quantity is small and expensive, and the other is not delicious but the quantity is large and it is not cheap either.

After thinking about it, Li Jian decided to buy the one with the highest price. when I went to the counter to check out, I heard a scream. Instinctively, I followed the sound and found that it was a pair of local high school girls on the phone. Something about the content scared me and I threw my phone in a panic. At that moment, the cell phone fell to the ground.

``customer, what's wrong? what happened?'' the clerk also heard the noise and ran. he saw the two girls hugging each other, their little faces pale and trembling. the helpless and pitiful look on his face intrigued the store clerk. I also noticed my cell phone on the ground.

An agent will e to pick up your phone. the high school student tried to speak as if to stop the other person's actions, but his friend immediately changed his expression and covered it up. he looked at the clerk and picked up the phone.

but just as the clerk was about to turn her back to the side of the phone screen, a pale hand held her down, took her phone away, closed it without looking, and handed it back to the two high school girls.

Li Jian'an smiled and said to the two of them, \be careful.\ his tone was gentle, but the two high school girls could easily understand.

the two high school girls immediately looked away and acted very guilty. the high school student, who only covered his mouth, hesitated to take back his phone and immediately went to hold his hand.

In the store clerk's opinion, the behavior of mr. he Jia'an, who held the mobile phone in his hand, seemed to be a sociable person trying to attack high school students, and was intentionally pretending to be a gentleman. I thanked mr. this was for politeness reasons, but at the same time, the actions of the two high school girls just now seemed quite strange.

``well...sir, thank you for your cooperation.'' the clerk thanked him heartily.

\Not enough.\ Li Jiang nodded.

he looked at the two high school students who were leaving, tilted his head in thought, and suddenly frowned. he muttered to himself and quickly retorted.
